CSN Founder’s Focus - Revealing the Roots of Labor Day (2024)

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CSN Founder’s Focus - Revealing the Roots of Labor Day (1)

From the Founder…

Today is celebrated as Labor Day in the ‘United’ States, but in the rest of the socialist world it is celebrated on May 1st. But, as the nation observes Labor Day in 2024, Eugene V. Debs must be looking on from Hell and should be very proud of the socialist advance and insidious influence within the political realms of the United States at this point. Many Americans are only beginning to awaken to the realization that the steady Socialist investment of energy, money and time has paid off after only 120 years. One has to admit that the Socialists have exercised great patience, as well as great diligence, in their long march to being the dominant force in American politics.

Before the new millennium, Debs was quite likely the most important American socialist in U.S. history. He was a labor organizer and powerful union leader who ran for U.S. president on the Socialist Party platform five times: 1900, 1904, 1908, 1912, and in 1920. His involvement and instigation of the infamous Chicago Pullman Palace Car Company strike launched him into national prominence. This strike led to deadly labor union initiated deadly violence and serious property destruction that was even condemned by other labor unions. It also led to Labor Day.

This edition of our Founder’s Focus zeroes in on Labor Day because the American citizen has become lost in the war of ideas and ideals and no longer entertain the real fear of tyranny. Such is the state of the Republic today.

The first featured article In this edition of the Citizen Voice is from Jonus Freeman, a very close compatriot. He provides a bit of history about the insidious side of honoring labor in the national Labor Day holiday. It is an example of a political party that would use people and their desire for fairness and equality for the same of the advancement of the power of the political party and the

expense of the people. The hard working laborers of this nation are not to be diminished, rather the predatory nature and self-serving interests of the ruling class is on display in this history.

Our featured message today is from Ray Di Lorenzo, and he writes on “What We're Up Against”

In this crucial election year. Di Lorenzo wrote this article for the Canada Free Press where he normally posts his articles. Di Lorenzo has given permission, as have many other writers, to repost their work in the Citizen Voice. Di Lorenzo’s articles often touches the nerves, and his article is appropriate on this Labor Day holiday, and in light of the Kristenev interview tonight.

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Please join our LightWing virtual call tonight, as we will have another interview! Dennis Jamison will be interviewing A. Dru Kristenev, a significant contributor to the Citizen Voice and to the LightWing Messages. Kristenev will be able to come on our call on this special Labor Day meeting! We last featured an interview with Kristenev on April 5, 2023 and it was a lively discussion which focused on “AI” and the lack of a soul that humans have, which is only evident in some humans (unfortunately). Kristenev wrote a couple of recent articles that we featured in recent newsletters (Saturday and Sunday). Sunday’s article was enlightening readers of the immorality of voting for Kamala Harris. We hope our readers could catch those articles, but even more importantly, we hope you could join us this evening for the interview!

Bio: Former newspaper publisher, A. Dru Kristenev, grew up in the publishing industry working every angle of a paper, from ad composition and sales, to personnel management, copywriting, and overseeing all editorial content. During her tenure as a news professional, Kristenev traveled internationally as a representative of the paper and, on separate occasions, non-profit organizations. Since 2007, Kristenev has authored five fact-filled political suspense novels, the Baron Series, and two non-fiction books, all available on Amazon. Carrying an M.S. degree and having taught at premier northwest universities, she is the trustee of Scribes' College of Journalism, which mission is to train a new generation of journalists in biblical standards of reporting. More information about the college and how to support it can be obtained by contacting Kristenev at cw.o@earthlink.net. ChangingWind (changingwind.org) is a solutions-centered Christian ministry.

Join us for the MeetN call - Labor Day (9/2/24)!

To join these meetings click this url: https://meetn.com/vroom (The room name is vroom)

Normally => Mondays at 5pm PDT (6pm MDT; 7pm CDT; 8pm EDT)

CSN Founder’s Focus - Revealing the Roots of Labor Day (3)

We hope our readers take in as many of the features that may interest you. Don’t get greedy - only absorb what you can easily digest! Then be sure and share the articles and links to aggregates with those whom you believe would benefit from intelligent perspectives throughout the 2024 election year.

CSN Founder’s Focus - Revealing the Roots of Labor Day (4)

By Jonus Freeman 8/31/24

Today is the day the citizens of the Republic celebrate Labor Day, but it is now more like a tragic victory over the Constitutional Republic that the Founders bequeathed to following generations of Americans. Today, the nation faces an existential threat from within due to the long march of the socialists in our nation from the mid 1800s to the debacle of the “Democrat” display of the anti-democratic installation of Kamala Harris as the candidate of “choice” of the Party to run for president of the United States.

Honestly, it must be to someone’s credit (or a conflict of threats) that President Joe Biden wasn’t more forcibly removed from his post mid-year. Vice President Kamala Harris may have already become POTUS if the undemocratic process would have been more brutal. However, it might have turned into something much more revealing that it actually was. Nevertheless, the process of anointing Kamala Harris has been rubber stamped and signed and sealed by the ones that actually run the Party. That they could do such a thing was already determined by a court after Bernie Sanders sued the Democratic National Committee over the tactics used against him as he ran up against the Clinton machine in the 2016 presidential campaign. Court Concedes DNC Had the Right to Rig Primaries Against Sanders | Observer

Yet, the history of the Democrats reveals much of this type of undemocratic political hardball. It is also reflective of such tactics in a backstory within the history of the establishment of Labor Day as a national holiday. The sanitized presentation of the history of Labor Day put forth by the Department of Labor trivializes or ignores the depth of violence and destruction that big labor was capable of in order to ram through Congress the bill to create the national Labor Day we know today.

An innocuous parade and picnic event in New York is recognized by historians as the beginnings of Labor Day in the United States. It is the mild and mellow version and a highly sanitized narrative. The parade took place on September 5, 1882, when around 10,000 workers marched together in the streets of New York City in America’s first Labor Day parade, and it was a fairly pleasant event as numerous marchers enjoyed a family picnic afterward.

Yet, from this innocent and more idyllic scenario, labor unions sought even more power that ultimately included unrestrained violence as well as murder. The national holiday that Americans celebrate today was created by Democrats in 1894 involving the resurrection of prior legislation that had been languishing in Congress for quite some time. It was done to appease big labor, and to secure mutual dependency between Democrats and Big Labor. The symbiotic relations secured votes for the Democrats and the political clout for which big labor hungered.

Labor Day was born from the heat and intense political friction after the summer of 1894. It was created in the aftermath of some of the most turbulent labor unrest in the history of the United States. That unrest set a precedent for the Democrat Party’s continued use of violence against political opponents in the twentieth century. They successfully used such methods during the era of the Ku Klux Klan. It continues to this day through Antifa and the militant arm of Black Lives Matter violence. During widespread violence in the summer of 2020, the Kamala Harris’ campaign bailed many violent rioters out of jail in the aftermath. Kamala Harris pushed bail fund that helped murder and rape suspects get out of jail while awaiting trial - Washington Examiner

In the hot summer months of 1894, in the midst of the worst economic Depression prior to the Great Depression, an American Railway Union strike spread from Chicago to St. Louis and quickly swept through the country like a California wildfire in dry summer heat. At its peak, the ARU strike, led by union leader Eugene Debs, exploded to include 250,000 workers across 27 states, and they managed to cripple the nation’s rail transportation. This massive, destructive strike was crushed by President Grover Cleveland who sent Federal troops into the Chicago area to put down the violence. But sadly, before the strike officially ended approximately 30 people, including 13 strikers, had been killed, and 57 people had been injured or wounded. Mobs caused about $340,000 (equivalent to roughly $80 million today) of property damage.

Ironically, on the 4th of July in 1894, President Cleveland felt compelled to deploy 12,000 U.S. Army troops to end the violent clashes between the strikers and local authorities and to restore order. On July 6th, a violent mob stoned a train, murdering the engineer and injuring many passengers. The violence spread to many cities and the public became worried about the chaos. At this time, the American Federation of Labor (AFL) and Samuel Gompers and various Railroad brotherhoods, opposed the ARU strike and denounced the sabotage and rioting. Debs and three additional union leaders were arrested on July 10th for interfering with the delivery of the U.S. mail. Eventually, the Army withdrew by July 19th.

Another irony was that in the aftermath of the turbulent summer of 1894, Democrat President Grover Cleveland was labelled the goat (no relation to the “greatest of all time”) who had made problems worse. He was castigated by his own Democrat Party. Illinois governor, Democrat John Altgeld, and Democrat John Hopkins, the mayor of Chicago, had been especially outraged when Cleveland sent troops into Chicagoland. These two, along with the majority of Democrats, refused to support any chance Cleveland had for re-election in 1896.

While some historians have made the awkward claim that it was Cleveland who was attempting to use the Labor Day legislation to help his efforts to win re-election by mollifying big labor, they ignore the presidential election would not have been until 1896. A lot can happen in the political arena in two years. However, it was an election year for many Democrat members of Congress. It is more likely that Grover Cleveland, being a good Democrat, went along with his Party’s urgency and signed the bill.

Cleveland stood firm on what he thought was right: first, the protection of the American people from the violence of the unions; and second, the stability and trust in the legal flow of mail within the United States; and third, the restoration of an orderly, civil society. Cleveland proved to be way too conservative for the Democratic Party, and as a former sheriff, he was clearly unwilling to allow big labor to foment lawlessness for any length of time. Despite having restored order, as he had successfully taken responsibility to end one of the most violent strikes in U.S. history that had affected the well being and welfare of millions of American citizens, he was thrown under the proverbial bus, much less ceremoniously than Biden.

President Cleveland had committed a political “cardinal sin” against the constituents that the Democrat Party was cultivating at the time. The visionaries had their eyes on potential votes and a steady stream of mandated union dues. Cleveland, like Truman later, took a strong stand against organized labor destroying law and order. But, Cleveland had angered big labor; thus, he was all but flushed from his Party. The Democrats were scared to death they would pay the price for Cleveland’s sin. The Democrats in the 53rd Congress rushed a bill to the floor and secured Republican support. The Labor Day Bill was unanimously approved.

CSN Founder’s Focus - Revealing the Roots of Labor Day (5)

Start demanding responsible and competent leadership from both Democrat and Republican leadership, or politely dismiss them. We will have one last chance this fall.

By Ray DiLorenzo ——Bio and Archives--September 1, 2024

CSN Founder’s Focus - Revealing the Roots of Labor Day (6)

The 2024 election will be unlike any election in our history. A top-down affair with no collaboration from the public. It will be a choice between an America with freedom and promise or an America run by an unusually amoral and ruthless group of people controlling a criminal organization, the Democrat Party. Nothing will be normal, nor will it look like America. That is a bold but true statement.

The Democrat Party ceased being a political party

The Democrat Party ceased being a political party and source of competent national leadership, if there ever was one, many years ago. Some will point to FDR, who nearly formed a dictatorship by breaking the two-term precedent and desperately trying to pack the Supreme Court. It is intriguing to note that Harris was open to packing the Supreme Court back in 2019 during her presidential bid. In other words, she is insistent on getting her way, one way or another. Her change of mind on a variety of policies says all you need to know. Harris can change back just as easily. She's merely playing games with the voters.

Some will point to Bill Clinton, citing his Arkansas corruption, overt immorality, and his ability to seem like all things to all people. At least JFK hid his personal demons. Many will say Barack Obama, the mystery president who, without putting a finger on it, always seemed like he was working another agenda. He divided the country by race and financial class, renewed any rift there was between Black and White, camouflaged his Muslim faith with phony assertions of Christianity, and organized an even deeper deep state with surveillance of Senators, Supreme Court Justices, Congressmen, and political opposition, including Donald Trump and his staff. And, above all, he developed an election fraud system still in use today that Biden bragged about in 2020.

Censorship, anti-semitism, the burning of cities, election fraud, destroying women's sports

Trump was right; of course, Obama was following Trump's every move, and the Democrats WERE fixing elections.

The Democrat Party has shown itself to be totally comfortable with censorship, anti-semitism, the burning of cities, election fraud, destroying women's sports, and putting forward an unelected, unprimaried nominee for president. They obviously have no problem with massive debt, bowing to the enemy's demands, and even paying them off in billions of taxpayer dollars. Biden's influence, both in and out of Washington, was replete with selling influence for cash, giving him a net worth that went from $9 million in 2019 to upwards of $25 million, depending on sources. Whether it is $9 or $25 million, how does one become rich in politics?

Additionally, they allowed an invasion of millions of unvetted foreigners with foreign cultures antithetical to the American way of life. Worrisome is the fact that most of these foreigners are military-age males, many from Cuba, China, Iran, and Syria. They also appear to be almost giddy about exposing our children, society and military to sexual perverts, stepping out of the shadows, climbing out from underneath every rock, transgendering and mutilating our kids without parental consent or input.

I found it interesting that Zuckerberg recently admitted he was pressured to censor content. It was a sort of 'It's not my fault speech.' He must be anticipating a Trump win and wants to make sure he is on the right side of history and politics.

What do you say about Kamala Harris? She's a phony candidate installed by leftist elites

What do you say about Kamala Harris? She's a phony candidate installed by leftist elites, another fool for the Democrat operatives. From the top down all the way. And the rank and file Democrats yell and scream with delight. All fools. I bet Kamala actually thinks she will be president if she wins. Once again, she moves forward without any public acclaim or vote,and Democrats are buying into it. Amazing! They invite prominent celebrities to guarantee attendance at her rallies. If she fails to secure a prominent celebrity, rumors of a major appearance circulate. She can't seem to handle an interview, or answer any questions where she has no control over the subject matter. She needs the questions and answers in advance. Her own people rightfully accused Hillary of this. As of this writing, 40 days have gone by without a news conference or even an answer to a pressing question about her proposed presidency. It's all been a softball Pelosi sequel to the 'you'll have to elect her to find out what's in it' explanation. It's amazing that Pelosi thinks we are all dumb enough to accept that as an answer. Maybe we are.

Harris spoke during a stop on a multi-city bus tour in the battleground state of Pennsylvania along with her running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, and their spouses. She said:

“Our election is about understanding the importance of this beautiful country of ours in terms of what we stand for around the globe as a democracy,” Harris said.

“As a democracy,” she repeated, “we know there’s a duality to the nature of democracy. On the one hand, incredible strength when it is intact.”

Harris went on, “What it does for its people to protect and defend their rights, their liberty, and their freedom. Incredibly strong and incredibly fragile.” (Daily Wire)

Harris is perfect for what the elites have in mind

Is this what we can expect from a candidate for the highest office in the world? Vague idioms? It's called 'word salad.' Chew on it all you want, it doesn't fill you up or satisfy.

When Harris finally announced an interview, she disclosed that her running mate would be with her. Unprecedented. The optics were terrible, and it showed profound weakness. Kamala looked like a child at the grownups table, while Walz looked more like her attorney trying to keep her out of trouble. Harris hoped to reduce her exposure by half. It didn't work. If Harris hoped Walz would fill in the blanks, he didn't. Kamala had nothing but hollow rhetoric. Anyone who has heard her speeches will say they sound more like a talk with a junior high school class.

Her intellect and range of subject matter is extremely limited. She cannot discuss most subjects to any great depth except maybe yellow school buses or Venn diagrams. She demonstrated 'filling' an electric car by plugging it in and then holding the cable like she was filling it with gas. It left people speechless. She can be a real head scratcher—definitely Biden 2.0. She's perfect for what the elites have in mind.

Fox News reported on Thursday that the Harris team is overflowing with Obama operatives. I'm sure Obama is thrilled to possibly get a fourth term, subject to the Oligarch's directives, of course.

To believe what she says about the economy, the border, or world affairs, one would have to cancel any previous knowledge of what reality is. Her solutions to problems are treating symptoms while leaving the disease intact.

She wants to lower food prices by price controls. A longtime 'Marxist solution.' Dictating retail prices only results in shortages and encourages black market activity. Even a high school economics student would agree that lowering prices should entail lowering the cost of production, not mandating the retail price. Doubling the price of gas and diesel did more to raise prices than most other causes. Millions of products need oil to produce and transport.

Democrats will not allow a second Trump presidency

As strange as it will sound in America, the Democrats will not allow a second Trump presidency. It will destroy their hold on Washington. And they cannot permit that. They know Trump will cleanse Washington, and the Dems have worked too hard putting their people and operatives in place. They will start a war, release a pandemic, or trigger a financial collapse to initiate martial law. And, of course, they will engage in their usual election fraud shenanigans. Rep. Raskin (D-MD) said Trump will not be allowed to assume the presidency even if he is elected. He will insist under the 14th Amendment that Trump is not eligible to be president. They could 'arrange a tie' in the electoral college, leaving the choice of president to the House. Arranged in advance of course. That probably won't happen, but these individuals will hang on to power with their fingernails if need be. They have to; too many of them will be in big trouble.

These are greedy, selfish, mean, corrupt, and traitorous individuals who will not pass the torch regardless of the Electoral College vote. They have too much to lose and have big plans.

Regardless of the hoopla, balloons, and engaging light show, nothing has been translated into policy, and none of the fluff will turn these inept, crooked politicians into qualified candidates. People should prioritize substance over fluff, and focus on proven policies rather than empty promises. I dislike saying that if Harris wins or is allowed to win, we deserve everything we get or don't get.

We are up against the greatest collection of criminals the world has ever seen. They are the enemy of American ideals, unlike anything we have ever experienced. Americans need to take back the reins of our so-out-of-control government. They're counting on our collective stupidity.

Like President Trump, many of us observers believe this will probably be our last chance to right the ship of state. By all means, vote this fall. Start demanding responsible and competent leadership from both Democrat and Republican leadership, or politely dismiss them. We will have one last chance this fall.

"A decline in courage may be the most striking feature that an outside observer notices in the West today." - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

CSN Founder’s Focus - Revealing the Roots of Labor Day (7)
Ray DiLorenzo is a career pilot having retired after 22 years as a contract fire pilot with the California Department of Forestry (Cal-Fire). He is presently affiliated with Stand Up America US Foundation founded by Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely (Ret)..
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CSN Founder’s Focus - Revealing the Roots of Labor Day (9)
CSN Founder’s Focus - Revealing the Roots of Labor Day (10)

A Bit of History

From The American Minute with Bill Federer: Labor Day, Railroad Strikes, Grover Cleveland, Eugene Debs, Socialist Party of America, Outsourcing – 9/1/24

From American Greatness: The Meaning of Labor Day – 9/2/2019

From HISTORY.com (w/ video): History of the Holidays: Labor Day | History – 10/10/2010

From US DepartmentofLabor: The History of Labor Day – 10/29/2022

From Canada Free Press by Dennis Jamison: The Inception of Labor Day - Soil for American Socialism – 9/2/2018

From Drive Thru History: The History of Labor Day | Drive Thru History: American Holidays – 8/26/22

From Esquire: Rethinking May 1st, the Aftermath of Liberal Democracies, and Renewed Labor Agitation – 4/30/24

CSN Founder’s Focus - Revealing the Roots of Labor Day (11)


CSN Founder’s Focus - Revealing the Roots of Labor Day (12)

Considering More about Labor Day

The Strident Conservative ™ Labor Day: An American holiday rooted in Marxism and Socialism – 9/2/2024

From Canada Free Press: This Land Their Labors Wrought – 9/2/2024

From Arizona Republic via Labor Day honors hardworking Americans. Here's why we celebrate the 130-year-old holiday – 9/2/2024

From Mark Levin Show: This Is What Labor Day Is All About by Mark Levin – August 2023

CSN Founder’s Focus - Revealing the Roots of Labor Day (13)

Current Concerns & Threats to Freedom –

From Mark Levin Show: President Trump: This Is The Worst Case Of Election Interference That Anyone's Ever Seen – 9/2/2024

From The Federalist: Can RFK Jr.’s Coalition Help Swing The Election For Trump? – 9/2/2024

From The Gateway Pundit: Tim Walz's Own Brother Considers Joining Forces with Trump, Slams Governor as 'Unfit to Make Decisions About Your Future': Report – 8/30/24

From Canada Free Press: Don’t Even Consider It – 8/28/24

From The Gateway Pundit: POWERFUL: Gold Star Families Who Stood with President Trump Release Video Blasting Kamala Harris Unhinged Rhetoric – 8/31/24

From Washington Examiner: Kamala Harris has a history of convenient conversions and concealment of her record – 8/16/24

From Real Clear Politics: Republicans’ Parting Gift to Biden—A 291-Page Impeachment Report | RealClearPolitics – 8/19/24

ICYMI > From American Greatness: EXCLUSIVE DOCUMENTARY: ‘Chasing Trump: Political Prosecutions. Justice Gone Wrong.’

ICYMI > From TVO Today: Dennis Prager: America's Ideological Landscape – 2015

ICYMI > From The Epoch TV: Behind the ‘Real Story of January 6’ and Exposing the 'Insurrection' Narrative – 7/29/2022

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CSN Founder’s Focus - Revealing the Roots of Labor Day (15)
CSN Founder’s Focus - Revealing the Roots of Labor Day (2024)


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