How to do Virabhadrasana II | (2024)

How to do Warrior Ii Pose:

The below cues and yoga sequences added by yoga teachers show multiple ways to do Warrior Ii Pose depending on the focus of your yogasequence and the ability of your students.

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  1. Turn right toes out and widen stance for Warrior II Bring arms out to sides, exhale and bend left leg Gaze over front fingertips

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  2. Inhale, Seal the back heel down turning it at a 45 degrees. Exhale, Circle your arms into warrior II. Check your alignment. Knee should be stacked over the ankle. Shoulders over heart. Heart over hips. Settle in. Engage through the floor of your pelvis. You should feel a slight lift as you engage th...

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  3. Open out into warrior 2 Arms out Hips facing the long edge of the mat

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  4. Inhale Warrior 2. Exhale hand to your mat Inhale step back Chaturanga

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  5. If you've been in half moon, please bring the left leg back down so we can transition into Warrior 2. As you come into Warrior 2, be sure to keep the right knee stacked over the right ankle and the ribs knitted down. Bring your awareness into your breath.

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  6. EX - Back to Warrior II IN - Lengthen the spine EX - Draw your navel in IN - Broaden the collar bones

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  8. on an exhale step the feet about 3 to 4 feet apart raise the arms out parallel to the earth palms facing down turn the left foot out 90 degees align the left heel with your right heel bend the left knee over the left ankle bring the left thigh parallel to the floor if you are able to lenghthening th...

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  9. On the next exhale turn your back toes about another 45° dropping the arms shoulder height gazing past the left middle finger take in a deep inhale here,exhale_staying where you are being sure to have your core tight pulling the right hip toward your midline

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  10. Inhale lift the torso up to tadasana/ mountain pose. Exhale. Inhale warrior 2 left leg steps back, foot at 45 degrees, toes pointing to front right corner of mat. Exhale soften the shoulders away from the ears. Inhale, gaze over front arm. Exhale.

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  11. feel your strength in this pose

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  12. Exhale: Step your left foot between your hands. Lower your back heel, point your foot out at a 45 degree angle. Inhale: Come up. Exhale: Look down at your feet and make any adjustments needed to line your front foot with the center of your back foot. Inhale: Open your chest to the side of the room b...

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  13. From Tadasana exhale, step away with your right foot towards the back of the mat in a wide stance Place the sides of your right foot parallel with the short side of your yogamat, turn front heel 45 degree, it is parallel to the right foot. Turn your right foot 45 degree, press the baby toe of the le...

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  14. INHALE and come back to center EXHALE

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  15. Húzd be az állad. Nyelj egyet. Gerinced így tudod stabilan tartani gyertyában is.

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  16. turn your right leg to a 45 degree angle and bring your arms out to your sides. find a focal point to look at beyond your middle finger

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  17. Now do the same on the other side Right foot forward and bent Left foot 45 degrees Arms parallel to floor

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  18. come back to warrior 2 windmilling the arms round one arm reaching in front one arm reaching back

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  19. CONTRAINDICATIONS: Diarrhoea, high blood pressure, neck injuries - keep gaze forward BENEFITS: Strengthens and stretches the legs & ankles, Stretches the groin, chest, lungs & shoulders, Stimulates abdominal organs, Increases stamina, Relieves backache, Therapeutic for carpel tunnel syndrome, flat f...

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  20. Rotate hips to side of room bring arms down so it's like an airplane Can widen stance and back foot should be perpendicular to back of room Front knee is still bent Gaze over front hand

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  21. Exhale to Warrior2. Keep the legs as they are. Bring the arms so that they are in line with the shoulders and gaze over the right index finger.

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  22. Reach out to the sides with your arms parallel to the floor and step your feet apart so that they are directly under your fingertips. Turn your left foot in about 15 degrees and your right foot out 90 degrees. Without leaning forward, just bend the right knee toward a 90-degree angle so that the kne...

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  23. 1.- Tus brazos son la hélice de un helicóptero y giran al frente 2.- Abre tu cadera, R.E. de la pierna de atrás apoya la planta del pie en el suelo y presiona con el borde externo el suelo. 3.- Muñeca - Hombros- muñeca en una linea, aleja de la ojeras de los hombros. 4.- Mantente en el presente con ...

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  24. With inhale lift your body and arms up to warrior 2 1. Root the inner foot down as you wrap the thigh under 2. Align your front heel with your back arch, may press the back heel into the wall 3. Turn your pelvis towards the side of your mat 4. Rise your arms to the side of your shoulders high 5. Inh...

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  25. Virabhadrasana II 勇士II(右脚弯曲) 右 脚:脚趾指向右 、膝盖弯曲(90度)/ 左脚:脚趾指向前、腿伸直 发力:两腿同时发力、收紧臀部、核心发力 头转向右边,眼睛望向右手,双手向两边伸展 kapalabhati

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  26. To come into this hip opening pose bring your right foot behind your left, so that it is now on the same track as your left foot. Turn your right foot so that it is parallel to the short edge of the mat. A line drawn back from the left heel should bisect the arch of the right foot. Maintain the 4 to...

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  27. Tournez le pied arrière droit à 90, en ouverture de hanches Le talon avant est bien aligné avec l'autre talon ou à l'arche du pied arrière Veillez à ce que le genou gauche soit bien aligné au dessus de la cheville, formant un angle de 90 Pointez le genou avant vers le petit orteil Prenez appui sur l...

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  28. INSPIRA Allunga le braccia allineate con le spalle e con i palmi larghi verso basso Dhristi guarda oltre al dito medio della mano davanti Tieni il ginocchio davanti sopra la caviglia bacino e ginocchio davanti allineati SPIRA INALA mentre diventi alto attraverso la spina dorsale e fuori dalla sommit...

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  29. Exhale to warrior 2, back foot parallel to mat

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  30. Stack spine. Pull pinkies back.

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  31. Move back into Warrior II - hold pose and sink deeper keeping knee over ankle. Sink deep and breathe for three breaths INHALE as you grow tall through your spine and out from the crown of your head EXHALE engage your quads sink a little lower Strong warrior, Feel your energy and power if I was to pu...

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  32. Turn the back foot so that it's parallel with the short edge of the mat, gently opening up the body to the side, spreading arms wide for Warrior II. One of my favorite stories that Warrior in the light of ahimsa reminds me of is the story of the Sikhs. The Sikhs are a very peaceful people and only f...

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  33. - Sur une inspiration, redressez vous - Fléchissez votre genou droit à 90° (le genou ne doit pas dépasser les orteils) - Effectuez une rotation externe de la cuisse droite et une rotation interne de la cuisse gauche - Etirez les bras sur le côté, parallèle au sol et éloignez les épaules loin des ore...

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  34. feet 3 1/2 to 4 feet apart inhale parrallel arms shoulder height palms facing down turn right foot 90 degrees bend your right knee exhale bring thigh parallel to the floor align knee over ankle gaze is past your right finger inhale straight leg exhale step feet together release your arms. feet 3 1/2...

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  35. Root into the inner edge of your front foot as you press your thigh outwards... Soften your ribs in as you draw your shoulders onto your back ... Lengthen through the sides of your waist, reach through your fingertiips

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  36. Inhale, coming into warrior 2 on the right side. Bending the right knee, with the right foot facing forward. making sure the back foot is about 90 degrees. Exhale bend that right knee sinking in deep and try to get those arms even wider. 6 More breaths here.

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  37. Virhabadransa II – setze ihn auf 45° gedreht nach außen, richte den Oberkörper auf und fächere Dich in den Krieger II , die Arme sind auf Schulterhöhe ausgestreckt, Handflächen nach unten und parallel zum Boden, das rechte Knie ist im 90° Winkel und über dem Fußgelenk gerade

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  38. Baja talón, abre cadera, manteniendo el alineamiento de la postura anterior de la pierna flexionada.

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  39. Inhale back to W2. Feet are grounded across the entire foot bed.

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  40. Move into Warrior II, bringing your awareness to your breath as you do.

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  41. PLace your hands on your hips and step the right foot back 4 1/2 to 5 feet. The left foot points towards the front of the mat and the right foot pivots in slightly with the heel to the floor, toes at 10 o'clock... Open the hips to the long end of the mat, keeping the left heel in line with the arch ...

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  42. Exhale open arms out, gaze forward

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  43. Inhale - step forward with the left foot and come into Warrior 2 Turn your back leg about 45 degrees. The left knee stacked over the ankle, the pelvis is facing the top right corner of the mat. Draw your low belly in. Spread your arms. Gaze up at your fingertips.

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  44. exhale , step your right foot forward between the hands, Lift your torso up your, draw your arms out straight and parallel to the ground keep your knee over your heel come into warrior II

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  45. Bend through the knee. Inhale bring yourself back up. Extend your arms up and find your gaze over your front middle finger.

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  46. From 3rd side angle, inhale, cartwheel arms up and back, settling into Warrior II, exhale

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  47. Exhale, bring the arms down at shoulder level. Breathe steadily to maintain balance. Check that your left foot is pointed out. Gaze at your left fingers. Warrior II. Inhale. Exhale, sink the hips.

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  48. Turn back toes in Outer edge of the back leg is strong Scoop the tailbone in, draw the navel in Lift and lengthen through the spine Knee above the ankle, aiming for a right angle here, so if you need to walk your front foot forward slightly Or bring them in if you need more stability You want to be ...

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  49. Differentiate Warrior I from II discussing pelvic position and how femur sets in hip socket, external rotation Discuss plumb line for head, ribs, pelvis and knee over ankle

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  50. Combizom megerősítése fontos térd problémák esetén. Térd stabilizáló.

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  51. Warrior II (PEAK) - Left - toward back of the mat

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  52. - Check feet, Sink little deeper, Take mom to find ur seat here, Actively root feet down, Keep R knee out, Keep top of L thigh pushing back, Gaze over R finger, Not just w ur eyes, but w ur Third Eye too, Stay steady, IN, EX, Sink little deeper ... Again, Let's find that energy line, So pull the pel...

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  53. Exhale bending into your right leg and slowly and as quietly as possible lightly place your left leg back on the ground coming back into warrior 2. Adjust your pose as needed once you land. Right knee over right ankle.

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  54. Hinteren Fußaußenkante in den Boden drücken. Das vordere Knie ist über dem Sprunggelenk. Die Arme sind parallel zum Boden, Handflächen zeigen nach unten und sind in einer Linie mit der Schulter. Behalten Sie eine gerade Hüfte und ein neutrales Becken bei. Atme ein, richte dich auf und strecke die Kr...

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  55. The front knee pulls laterally The abdomen twists in the other direction The hips practice 'cat pose'. eg: if the right leg is bent, pull the knee to the right and twist the belly to the left

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  56. Again noticing the heat building with all of this flowing movements. Really notice the energy of this flow. How is your body feeling? IN - bring the arms down to be placed at shoulder level - left knee is still bent - Ensure the left knee does not go beyond the left ankle. - arms at shoulder level -...

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  57. Rotate the right foot so that it is parallel with the back of the mat. Square hips to the long side of your mat as your arms reach out in Warrior 2, Virabhadrasana 2. Chest and rib cage are broad to create space. Left knee faces forward. Alignment - left foot bisects the center of the arch of the ri...

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  58. Exhale spiral back heel down to Warrior 2

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  59. Back leg externally rotates, find warrior 2. Press into the outside edge of the back foot. Front ankle under front knee, should see your big toe. Glutes on, zip up through the midline, relax the shoulders. Arms extend away from the heart space.

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  60. Inhale again and stretch the arms out at shoulder level coming parallel to the floor with the arms and the left knee perpendicular to the floor. Opens the hamstrings. hips, knees, shoulders and chest.

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  61. Warrior 2, hips to the side. An externally rotated posture to open the hips. Repeat on both sides.

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  62. EX - Slowly bend into your standing leg and step back, opening up into Warrior II. Make sure that the front leg knee is creating a straight line down the shin and is in line with the second toe. Think about isometrically pulling the front foot to the back of the mat. Draw the outer hip back and in. ...

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  63. Seal your back heel down and exhale rainbow your arms into warrior II. Knee over ankle. Shoulders over heart. Heart over hips. Sink and lift. Energy through the fingertips.

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  64. Exhale bending into your left leg and slowly and as quietly as possible lightly place your right leg back on the ground coming back into warrior 2. Adjust your pose as needed once you land. Left knee over right ankle.

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  65. Exhale while you bend the right leg and step it forward between your hands into low lunge Rotate back foot to 45 degree angle and plant it firmly on your mat Inhale and circle your arms into warrior II Keep your legs active with the front knee stacked over ankle , pelvis pointing towards the front c...

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  66. Pivot front foot towards mirror , bend front knee gaze focuses beyond mirror

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  67. From Wide Legged Stance & facing the long side of your mat - - Turn your left foot outward ~90 degrees with toes facing the short side of the mat -Turn right heel slightly outward towards the short side of the back mat. -Exhaling bend the left knee, while keeping the torso centered (not coming forwa...

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  68. Use the Inhalation to lift off the chair.

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  69. Exhale, straighten out the arms in Warrior II. Check the alignment of your front leg. Knee still over the ankle. Pause here for 3 breaths.

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  70. Step left foot forward towards thumb Angle back foot down, H2H or H2A alignment Direction the front knee towards pinky toe edge of foot

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  71. WARRIOR 2 Straighten front LEFT leg. Turn RIGHT back foot 90-degree angle. Heels in one line IN- Lift arms horizontal on shoulder height. Control same level. Hips open, back as if you would be standing against a wall. Look forward over your front LEFT hand. IN, EX- bend the front knee 90-degree angl...

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  72. Spin your back foot another 45 degrees so it is parallel with the back of your mat. Open the arms into a t position as you rotate your chest towards the wall for warrior II. Shoulders press away from your ears, tailbone tucks slightly underneath you to create a full body connection.

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  73. Place feet leg-length apart, and lunge one leg forward. Slowly, extend arms to shoulder height. Your arms should be straight (avoid locking the elbow joint). Ensure the outer edge of your back-positioned foot is pressed into the floor, and then square your hips and shoulders, facing forwards. Squeez...

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  74. Point front foot forward. Bend front knee and stack over ankle. Straighten back leg and ground the back heel. Lift arms to shoulder height and reach out through the fingertips. Gaze past front fingers.

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  75. Exhale, opening and sinking into Warrior II, front foot pointed forward, knee stacked over foot, hips pointed to top right of the mat, back foot paralle.

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  76. Drop your arms, move your back right foot to a 45 degree angle- warrior 2- drop down. breath.

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  77. Inhale chest to sky exhale bring arms down in front of you parallel to the floor inhale bow and arrow right arm across chest. exhale turn back toes to the long edge of the mat for Warrior 2 Square your hips to the long edge of the mat. Eyes gazing over your right thumb Shoulders away from your ears.

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  78. Back heal down and toes facing to the side. Arms extend away from your body, palms facing down, fingers together and gaze to the tip of the fingers in front of you. Pelvis square and make sure front knee doesn't fall towards either side by activating your quads. Pull in navel, keep feet grounded and...

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  79. Benoem heupen naar lange zijde van de mat

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  80. On your next inhale, begin to turn your R foot 90 degrees to the side, opening your hips to the right long edge of your mat without changing the position of your front leg. Exhale and open your arms to the sides at shoulder level, gazing at the middle finger of your front hand. Stay here in warrior ...

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  81. Add Ganesha mudra. The practice of Ganesha Mudra, a hand gesture, is done to increase the energy as well as to improve the digestion in the body. As per the Hindu Mythology ‘Lord Ganesha,’ is considered the remover of all obstacles, making one learn to fight the day-to-day challenges. Hence with the...

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  82. Adjust feet so front toes point forward, back foot at 45 degree angle. Find balance between both feet and bend front knee. Keep bent knee even with or behind the front toes.

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  83. With the last breath directly to Triangle Pose

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  84. 3nd sequence main asana 1 (connecting vinyasa enter / exit as in the 1st)

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  85. A. Inhale - bend your right leg and place it at the back of the mat. B. Exhale - Adjust your feet hip distance apart, keep your front foot facing forward and rotate your right foot 45 degrees inwards to that the arch of your feet is aligned with your left foot. C. Inhale - bend your front knees and ...

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  86. On your exhale, place your foot it between your hands. If your toes are not in line with your foot, inch them until they reach. Once all 4 corners of your right foot are placed on the ground, drop your left heel to the ground and cartwheel your arms open to the left. Check in with your right toes, y...

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  87. Separate your feet the length of one of your legs plus one of your feet, positioning your feet parallel with each other. Turn your right foot out ninety degrees and your left foot slightly in. Please draw your hands to your hips, and position your hips where they feel level. Now move your pelvis for...

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  88. -Bringing right foot to the front of your mat, framing it between your hands -Back foot at a 45 degree angle -Inhale,Cartwheeling arms open to a T -Making sure they are level with each other forming a straight line -Torso parallel to the long edge of the mat -Gaze over the tip of the middle finger -...

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  89. Ground the back foot down slightly pointing toes towards the top of the mat. Exhale, bring the arms out shoulder level. Stack the shoulders over the hips. Continuing to stack the knee over the ankle. Gaze out over the fingertips. Take an inhale, and exhale here. Option to bring the back leg in close...

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  90. Stretch your fingertips away from each other, and see if your feet can do the same. Stretch your head away from your shoulders. How does it feel to take up space in a different way?

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  91. (IN) Slowly twist back into the center and bring down your left hand from the sky (EX) Lower your left leg gently and return to Warrior Pose II (IN) Engage your core (EX) Let your shoulder relax as they fall naturally on your back Take a moment to breathe here

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  92. sin moverte trata de juntar los pies como si quisieras arrugar la colchoneta en el centro y saca la guerrea que está dentro de ti quizás puedas profundizar la flexión en la pierna delantera. Ten cuidado de que la rodilla no sobrepase los dedos de pie. Eso no es bueno para la articulación. jalando e...

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  93. Opening up to Veerabhadrasana 2 Bring your palms out, stretch out

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  94. ON YOUR NEXT EXHALE OPEN YOUR ARMS AND HIPS PARALLEL TO THE LONG SIDE OF THE MAT AND TRANSITION INTO WARRIOR II (VIRABHADRASANA II) The gaze is on the front hand. Make sure your front knee is over your ankle and your back foot is parallel to the short side of the mat. Press the outer edges of the ba...

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  96. INHALE look forward, step forward to the top of your mat. Exhale Uttanasana INHALE rise up and plant R foot back 4-5 feet, toes slightly pointed inward for Virabhadrasana II. EXHALE bending front knee no further than 90 degrees, keeping your knee stacked on top of your ankle. INHALE arms out to the ...

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  97. On the out breath come into Warrior 2. Remember to rotate your right foot so that the toes are pointing outwards, and your right foot is parallel to the back of the mat. Bring your arms down so that they are level with your shoulders. Turn your head to the front and look over your left index finger.

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  98. Ground through your left back leg turning the toes towards the front corner of your mat Turn the right foot toes towards front of your mat Bring your arms towards the front and back to the T position. From here, inhale and as you exhale bend the right leg, bringing the knee over the ankle Make sure ...

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    • added by a yoga-teacher-in-training
  99. Breath in your warrior, bring your hips back and then press feet towards each other, feel the activation of the inner upper part of your back leg

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    • added by a yoga-teacher-in-training
  100. Engage your quads to to strengthen your grounding down foundation. Spread your arms - opposing forces - down and out. Another strong asana.

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    • added by a yoga-teacher-in-training
How to do Virabhadrasana II | (2024)


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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

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Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.