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- Publication:
- Liverpool Mercury, etc.i
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- Liverpool, Merseyside, England
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THE LIVERPOOL MERCURY TUESDAY FEBRUARY 27 1900 9 mti aad 2atrf be JM- Satwri aud la kf jltofkj Is he Cuttle VOLUNTEER NOTES LIVERPOOL POLICE THE WATERLOO CUP In bt 5tas aad 7 Linnet' teas Sfton For 8ak derorabio taehsd Kwmiiy RKSIDBKYIB eontsiaumr three en-terttonmg rooms emaersatmy or ineterAas on the gnmnd eight bedrooms and Isattroam light i heated by steana if rjmred Astky dnwsBeftem Part F1AD-BU11NING APPARATUS to Bay or Hjre-J Jackson and Co engine OADDLB-MK 1XC0MUTJvS 10m to 12ii oylii! G5 dera four wheels (couni'-d) one reQuirtog repairs not obHted to Address 160 Mernry-offloe pdALL FAN about Lam Wanted for biowing JO purposes I perfect) Address with particulars 4 Beau- montertreet CJTKaM WINCH Wanted either horizontal or diagDua) c5 ficnble Address I 58 Mereury -office fTlAJLKlNti PAIifi0T Wanted highest pn Igvrea A Apply Mrs Oolrn Jones 121 Park-fane XT ANTED Mixterc-built hHUI MPING OUTTEE vt about over all must he sound aad to good cmuHtion state- price age and whereabouts Address A 67 Meroury-ofibe WANTK1) and 8e niax MUSIC suitable for American Organ mart be to good eonditum Ad-dpen stating price and particulars JB 5 Merciuy-offlo WANTED Empty Castor 'or ttshxt OIL any quantity Kid son aad V7 ANTED a good Second-baud lt )LLKK saitaWe for crioket Apply with fall particulars to 44 Dand-rtrcat WANTED ROUGH SHOOT viithia 1 1 hours' journej from Liverpool with full particulars Ct ox RJiardj guninoker Owbail-streafe WANTED PIG FEEDING and Swill state pnee-Address X179 Msroury-office WANTED a gSod talking hsaithy Address wrth price A 2 Mvicury-offira ANTED 200 to 300 Tons English Oat oTRAW to bates delivered to Liverpool Docks Apply Gavin Bros Clevcdand-bBiidinirs Park-iauu Liverpool WANTED a Dairy of MILK: must arrive by early train state tmaa Add resa vV 183 erafiry -ofli AN'TKii HAP litiui LeU VM rd Pewtor for tte iianuiactiuer state jrrioe Henry Walker SwainehiU Yeadon ANTED to Pimtoass HOUSKHOLD FURNITURE Art Musical I ostium ante Books tiil I'sintinga Works of Jewellery Plate and 3toeks-ia-Trade for crah Bill of sale executions jud out on the shortest notice Prompt cash aad attention will be received by applying to Greeth im and Blortot' 24 aud 26 Paradise-street Liver-N-lk -Salt conducted oo premises at mode-Tcdephtme 2107 POOL RirneH A Lady wilh targe suxiiia capital 1 desirous of increasing her present ineem by Advancing to reapomibJfc iioariKftstori Noblcmeu aud others Large or Small Sam rrf MONEY upon then Note of Hand only at reasonaWo rates of interest She is a iso prepared to purchase out rishl or advamw open every kind of aeeuriliy Beveiwons Ananitivit Life and lier liepresentatm wtauid attimd ttt appucam's own residence if desired to complete the battaeas urgent matters saute dayl durtaueu no object No reasonable applieaLon tiftttd Ajely bj fettas Mia Eferan Baxter 48 Carlton Marjions Port down -road London riASH £10 TO' NOTE OF HAND ALONE Without binds publicity ox of any de-Sfmpttori what ever No bills of enie and the siriretest privacy ywuran' On roowipt of appluatian rejjresenfetjve wii waj: yau by appoint mutt and advance you the amoaat re iairai rail repayable by easy uistaloients to suit you men convenience SPliCLA lLATEft FOR ftIjOILT PERIODS Write (in xuifideoce1 to wettnl lrvfar (X WTBiLS 84 Nirtafttrartreet Lewestex No cuujieiitkiu vrith loan offices or wt-caHed banks and uofiipoei4 ft ASH Artrunrea at ones oumrin tea -wviUry diamoivon works of art ptauos storks -iu-trafie maebinerv oiwhe bonds deeds or auy otter descri prion ot setmrl lowest rates ubargetl aud absolute sma oonfideme guuranteed Hartley lnidon-mod Liverpool Full Parttoniars of Oharxes on applieaUoo and Copy of Documents given to Borrower rf required NO FKK8 STEJOTFST 8KCRKCY CU AHANTBED teASH Advanced from £5 to £1000 on your two Note V' of Hand aioius Also on deeds scrip bonds plate liamonfis aud ottmr mercbtuuiise at moderate rate of interest-i ft AAVIEft Vro I FINANCIER A BILL DISCOUNTER RIDBY-RUILDINUJ3 (facing Nortfe JoLa-atroetJ SI DALK-fti RKET LIVERPOOL Telephone 23d6 IjftOlt Strict Secrecy sn lionoarabfe Imawstiong apply Bl to ttu eld-estittiudied EAPRESS DOAN AND Dlft COUNT OFFICE which continues to ADVANCE CASH ui sura from £3 to £500 to honnaheidm shopAaupcrs CaruiorB dairy aeu and otters uu tteir own note) of haufi aioiu- East repayments to suit borrowurs Gtrai aim to any lunount on Deeds Scrip ttud Plate at sw ex'plionuUy mw of intoretst Only ackircsB 1 Low hill off Keminctou STANLEY Manager Tmmu imsfi the door A HAVING a large atasunt ef umnverted capital at Jus uenunrad will Ltnfi juune in the rtricfert pr ivacy in sasna of 1 () to £1(XK) wnfmffihfc perauB (Kate or femate) any prt of the TJ rated Kiugdoin on the setunty of their own proaussorj aide or I 0 without sarotnis fiefs or Ibr uhaigee AJbo on 1 ed Moctyoges acd Dock Bonds at very low rates of rkte-rest Tli anscvmt tasrrwaed cac be repaid by easy rnttalmeaw extendi us oroi a period of troru one to fire or capital oar roiuut2 as tang as the interest is paid A tkis office is a private concern and not enuneoted with any kma office it is reqnesitfi that hatotoai tr rowers wiH aot oaniv For fnrSier partreuifu eaii os write i UulA CAMKRON elcu -ehsraL-ra 50 LOBDSTKEET LIVKKPOOL Tefeepboee No I1C7- Tahgtsnfc Liverpcl I A fTie unfereiei (teTCABIJSJiiire IK MrxCHBSrKB SINCE 1870) is prenured to naJie PRiYATL AD A Nk FS from 'IO upwards mi MORROW KB OWN PEOMISSOIiY NOTH xi era te in Easy repar raerrta NO PRELLM1NARY FUBri CHARGED Prospectus terms and full supplied FbXR ar au Ho on application personally or by kffter to GEORGE PAYNE ACCOUNTANT COUNTY A LA NK BUTLDINGR lfi SCHtKftL LANK LIYBTRPOOL Head Office: Kenpedy-atrcet Hanehmer ONEY LiiNf PKlVAtklr PROMPTLY AND picks AT A PEW HOURS' NOTICE PROM £5 ro To Oendemen Mercbnins and Traders jeenarally upon note of bund aloue and ujioo the security private iiK'OMiee re ror life ratereeta ierram ileeds steels diriros and Lite pniicfeea also uon farruiture Jewels ami date without removal public imfuirtaa made vrbteTr llariog ray ooHvrouril a iarf' i-aratal all advance arc wdeeiteaper than at iuy other ostatuisiuuism in Karerpool Afipb1 peraomvUy or write talrie actual ieofier It JON Eft 3 and 4 Venioe-ohftmbei'B 01 Lord -street JAverpool NE If urgHtrt Mr Jones will by appointment attend d'lay HtgctH Hr Jones 'rill (by eronaUyet leant rewdsiuy ttas PELS! Nro A li "THE COUNTY PRIVATE LOAN COMPANY Advaotv Money to -wipcotabic apvliomtelraafe or female) on iheircwo note of I land No otter security asked far PLOMPITTUDE LA ft 1 ID PA NTS MO RATE I NTKJtRST BnsinesR hours ten to five evouiugs stvveo to uine Sai-unlays teu to wo Appiy tK-monelh' ir by letter 2 3 Mot' NT-PL15ASANT (Near Adelphi lloit-l) Telephone 0941- Joti i A IK S3 ftnaffer Ot'Ttl LA NC ASH IKK TOAN IM SCoUNT AND UMITKD Hkaj urn Bn amcu 168 ISUNCfo'N LlvauiviOL 106 MAUifiWiOAD LOAN7 from LifiOv im Personal or ot fer Setrarity £li LojmyaUr ft Week Hiwre Uhwfco £1 2s Ji i-Ul LS bs Od LltK) 401 £6 lbs ltd ftffi ALKX UORJMJjs Mnnat-r 5 Si I) if 1 IT ti A iMITBD A Estfelibefi ISid Kegistered CaptUl £l0ut2X HKADOKKIOK: 33 Rknhh a vr iren ht risoi UkAirHtt: 26 CroMier VwihkUw Lrrrpcol 18 1 1 nu Uon street Btrlrenhead Afiriuacfs uuwfe rum i-6 to £5000 upon Pwrsonal Seimty iferdB Politvafs rnotu AiuuiUfs ifeek Uoudr Ac 03 Buia-street OLD BRICKS (Wbo-oj ac kson aad Oo ejrineets to bottkng tjraiea 03 take-rtreek MAHOGANY or Solid WfrfnuY SIDEBOARD and Cabinet Wanted Au Bedroom Suite Mast bo ia good comiifciaa State prtoo and oil! Address A 83 Mfienqsiflfe MU AND MUS 1 ARCY IKS oi'ia! tinn in Liverpool give highest prices for Ladies' ientleccen 8 CkiMwa'i Clothing any quarj-Lty Kurniuire Carpets distance no object letters attended D'Arcy 210 JAodoiwtd- MRS FLU ft Ladies' and Wardrobe Deaiei Ladie- waited upon all traasae-tnttis confidential letters attended to parcels received ami postal order by return 34 and 30 Low toll FURNITURE Wanted fur Boardiiig Hoove Ojd-taahiuned preferred will purchase stogie artieiea or whole aoase Fu i test parttenfera 123 Ediabargfa-road now Attendances at camp at Easter are not known the home district Seeing the great disadvantages owing to the climatic conditions (making it out of the question to go under canvas and the impossibility of attending Aider-shot in any number owing to the lack of hut accommodation) it has always been a surprise to me that the authorities should permit an Eester attendance to count for the annual camp grant At all events the regulation only permitting a man to attend camp once during the year should be cancelled for it is simply absurd if efficiency demanded I am convinced that very few men oould under any circ*mstances in ordinary times get away for over eight days but even for this period they should be allowed 2s per day pay compensate them in a email degree for absolute loss which is now borne by the majority and the officers should have the pay of their rank when in camp or at a school of instruction Regimental camps should be discontinued The time for battalions working in camp by themselves is pagt The volunteer force hae never yet received tiie financial treatment it has deserved and any little extra assistance has been most grudgingly given For 15 successive years the sergeants of the 6th Liverpool have held ball and although the majority of these dances have left behind nothing but pleasant memories it can safely be said that that which took place at the Mersey Assembly Rooms on Friday evening last wsus at least as enjoyable as the best of its predecessors In every way the gathering was successful The attendance was large the guests numbering upwards of 100 the floor as it always is was in the pink of condition catering gave satisfaction all round and the and Stewards were assiduous in their attention to the comfort and convenience of everybody What more could be desired! Colour-Sergeants Minshull and Littlt were the while the stewards were Sergeant-Major White Assistant Sergeant-Major Maofarlane Colour-Sergeant Morris Band -Sergeant A Acton Pioneei Seigeant Hartopp and Sergeants Cowans Jones and Roberts The catering was in the hands of Mr Greenwood of Wavertree-road while the music was provided by Band master A Smith Colonel A I Watts VD who had expressed his intention of being present wrote at last moment regretting his inability to carry out hia promise owing to hia being compelled to leave for the continent but among the guests were Captain Luther Watts and Captain Sadler It only remains to add that the honorary secretary and treasurer of the mess Colour -Sergeant Minshull was responsible for nearly the whole of the arrangements and to him in large measure was due the unequivocal success of the gathering Company dinners are usually enjoyable gatherings and that of Company 2nd Liverpool held at the Paw on Saturday evening proved no exception to the general rule Captain and Hon Major Ryder Mawdsley presided and he was supported by his subaltern Lieutenant Bradbury while Colour-Sergeant Dawson oooupied the vice-chair There was an excellent attendance including many guests among the latter being Lieu-teuasrrt-Ckrfon Wain wrigbt VI) Major Mawdsley A Wilson and Maxwell Surgeon-M a jor Weetby Captain Speneely Surgeon-Captain Roberts Surgeon-Lieutenant Smart Lieutenants Beckwith Marke Wood Field and Ham son and Mr Reginald Harrison ex -lieu tenant The prin cipal toast of the evening was that of Our Comrades in South Africa and those now on tJiieir and in submitting it for the acceptance of the company Lieutenant-Colonel Wain wright referred to the two ex-adjntants of the corps Lieutenant-Colonel Meiior and Lieutenant-Colonel Grattan now shut up with Sir George White in Ladysmith Be went on to speak in eulogistic terms of the Liverpool Service Company which had sailed in the Avondale from Southampton on the previous day and said that he was sure that that company would uphold the honour of the city of Liverpool and add additional laureU to those already in possession of the distinguished regiment to which it had been attached During the evening an excellent musical programme was contributed by Major Wilson Captain Speneely Sergeant-Druramer Berridge Sergeant Duringer Corporal Milner Private Leslie Clucas and Messrs Gill Saunderson Chune and Sergeant Lee and Private Leslie Clucae acted as accompanists The eighth annual reunion supper of No 2 Battery of the late KNA Vols will be held at the Falcon Restaurant on March 10 Lieutenant Chas Stewart who formerly commanded the Seas th port Battery and has recently bean in correspondence with a view to the resuscitation of the naval volunteer movement will be present to state the result of hia negotiations Several ex-offioera of the Liverpool Brigade and the local secretary of tne Navy League are also expected to attend ALTCAR VOLUNTEER RIFLE CLUB Last evening the annual meeting of tho members of the Altcor Volunteer Rifle Club was held at the Clarendon Rooms South obn-street when Armourer-Sergeant Ii Keating 1st Li-werpool presided over a fair attendance erf members The Secretary in his 36th annual report erf the club stated that the total membership was 109 being res than last year The average attendance for the first period was 563 and in the second period 681 The competition for the grand aggregate medal was again keenly contested Staff -Sergeant WatSeworth 2nd Liverpool being the winner of gold medal with a grand aggregate of 574 He was followed by Colour-Sergeant Coleman 4th Liverpool with total of 570 In d-aas the oompeution for the silver medal was equally keen luioe-Sergoant Edwards 2nd Cheshire being the winner with grand aggregate of 549 During the season the scoring did not rule eo high as the previous season In the grand aggregate scores for the medals the difference was II and 4 points respectively regard to individual scoring two Armourer-Sergeant Keating 1st Liverpool and Lance-Sergeuarf Edwards 3rd Cheshire each scored 102 In Glass Lance-Sergeant Edwards scored 102 aad was followed by Corporal Rogers 1st Liverpool with 97 At Bisley the club members won in the aggregate 16 badges 12 medals and £464 in caJa Stafl-riergeant at-tie worth leading ttie hut by winning the Princw oi Badge and £100 At the Lancashire County meeting two cups six badges four medals and £304 6s 8d in cash wa won by the members of the ohib Anuourer-Bergeant Keating taking the premier place by winning the Lord prize Colour-Sergeant Wilkinson second aud Staff--Seigeant Wattle worth fourth place Twelve members of the dub shot for Lancashire the Lancashire and Yorkshire match The annual statement of accounts showed that there was a balance oi £3 12s owing to the treasurer The annual report and accounts having been adopted tlie meeting proceeded to elect officers for the ensuing year when the following a pom linen ts were made: Quartermaster 0 Francis 1st Cheshire was elected president Major li Bfco*kea (1st Liverpool) Major Turner VJX (1st Liverpool) Major Form by (3rd Liverpool) Captain Lloyd (6th Liverpool) and Captain Vernon (4th Liverpool) vice-presidents committee Staff 1ATLOAT (aew £19 splendid finish suit either bnaines or pleaaare afeo 8eewi-haci Buuth 38A Stanley -P3QI I tOB Sale Grant GfG latest shape with lamp an3 cusiuonj iBpiete suit cob frosi 13 2 to 14 2-Also grand Get of Harness only worn three time good maker Apply 170 Vterwi-road Staoontoe Cheshire TT'OB Sale a TEAM WaCGON ahodat new will be sold cheap full ko Apply 71 Bucktogtiaso-rtreet TTH) taie DOG CANT and Harness to good ortkir fit pony 13 75 Ueath-etreet Myrtle-street gWiteWHEL LED HOtH AIST rubber tyres very A neat aod light oort £68 will take a leasnoabte ArfArww A 145 Mercury-office XBANLXS MtfLIINER LTD Aaull wjuare- fronted JC laifoe BROUGHAM by leading Pans bmidei to (xiaditton eijual to now Great Charktte-stiBet XjtRANClB MULLINER LTD -Rustic DOGCART for J- rash about 15 hands our own build in perfect order 01 Great -toriottetttreet TTfRANOTB KITIISB LTD Roomy Double J- BROUGHAM with round front to vvod repair owner will accept Vsw price to 01 Great Cbarterl te-street PILVNCrS MXTLLINER LTD Low Parisian PHA-KTON smtabte for pony equal to new and vry 61 Great Ghrlorte-treot LiUiANCIS MULIINLR LED Staubope -i- PHLAJBTON lights compact and modern tbo-rougiily done 01 Great Charlotte-street I £12 useful Cart Horse Kirkdate-foflrf One-horse 13fl 0il price KirJr-street 1 ii-N ITU RE VAN nearly new goed powerful Van Horse and neerly-new Gears tor fiaie a bargain Apply 22 MinabnlLsfcreet Raddiaytoa 1 XD strong PONY 'OT cheap room wanted Cart arul Harness to be fttdd Apply uX 72 Comston-street Yi (X)D Babiuiws SHAKDftY also light Pony Cart and Of light Float would suit auy business no worse than Oakes-atreefe Iondun-road GOOD strong PONY nv8 to suit same Gaorge-ateoat AiiMN g'kOCKKS Or Hawker's Cart and Harness Otuwrs Choice FLOAT Dtss togetlior or separat-elF 09 Wrftlmorelacd-piattc 5 utiaiuLroad Li ANDO ART ObUina' aiA new price £4 37 Need ham-road A 8 8 ii CARRIAGE OAH VAN TRAP SHANDRY HARNESS AND HORSE CLOTHING Also every possible description of BABBLER our or and other cnaftaa New and Setond-haud Id arvcUnua Value Buyers should inspect oar Great Stock LANQDON AND GOV CORNER DU1 and 105 BA' MANUFACTURERS 7 STORES 7 ELbONTRKET tPOOL I POOL KMnULfl I ORSK 15 hands plenty of bone and fast Harness XX aud good an nt bakers and otfcars free trial Mttferstreet iioe 1 and 3 Ftoretonghdane raitahle for gentleman or Hoitiins 3 tox trat at Alat good tradesmen worthy of notice for airy one requiring ood honest honn iHjnth'fl irm trial or saddle: VJ8 opluion or to isimediato purehaser 20 i dry and Sfirer-phrted ila-EO ITikkI couditioa pno moderate causa of safe ex-duinfd -137 Qrowp-stneet hiverpool 1S-FUAL Cart MALE Faany 16 2 high nine years thorough worker shafts ot ehtons 11 Ihuthuid-uaoa BoMvvalA IGilT SPKJ x-i nearfs new hargauu utter cheap Mh rteusea-rtreet LIGHT and smart 8 mute BfiOTTGHAM by a good bHiidnr and ia txorfUjut ooeditwo Hooper and Sim--uona Biaierestiw-t TeteflfemB 0488 CeataL riOTORJA PHAETON of onr own build aearly nw in fii-steelaa rtate of repair Also severaJ ILjopnr smd SimrofMia SViter -street jnkOGeARY weil-bcilt fashw-ush? A-' pnr Sttamcmji Slater-street MARK dauptod grey J8 bands yeaia suit abi tor van urry i-rwier to breed from very active where ttnarrrth and spei-d are riqrund stsunob i'sobei and drawer tt exatnutatoon 14 trial price £5 -137 Crown-street Ijwrrpool Midi) I GAL team SHAMS one aaw mtuiabora MOMuairf to capital udtir at resaleable Lea Steer and Ct Lord Meison-tt-reet Lfmpool £raCULAH-FEONT BROUGHAMS also a firat-rate V-' Square Front by Londau builders -L-a Steer sud Co Telephone 2144 INJ ATOLL CANGE IAN DAUB two very light brake end Oo also a dfcap medaua-sfe oue fitted uxl spring liead Lea Steer NJTSW VAN sort grocer or confectioner bert make bung low with eranked axle Lea Steer and Co uord Neferan-street rpWO Headed VVACGONETTES oarrv six behind A loovaute ops in greto oauditiou pole bar shafts and irate Lab Steer and Oc Lord No feoo -street IV VU Uii IHtH'fiHAMS good order and uow Waggonette Brake carry 3 Lea Steel aud0n ixrdNateon-steee TAfiiST hall to Unfit wasussib Ligjit AG- GUN-FIT carry 13 aisv haf-a-httuo rgr lafe'si Ctebyard 16Qe Pauley -road InsanJOcd NEW FLOAT ligit and rtyiisli suit any hasiuess also two old ft hand rues cheap to dear 8 Cl tatitarasl NEW One-horse Sprrug WAGGON for Sale suteiwe fur uoaJ Apply 70 Grafton -street fl riNE Young PI4S nme weeks old Berkshire breed Apply C-uachtftfln Meibom Dree nh id-road Aileriou irtr IerTKW3l fwo-irhflel VAN prut baker or IwtBidry wiuk Also handy imht Float for Col aait aoy sirt -pnahnxik 07 of ONK or two Onct HOKftFN tor Sale 10 2 workers- Apply fttorey () HigLaeld -Btroct I 'JUI and HferxH'Ss only £10 ran vffae Qcr ob xi sp niait? rtjn ecaiHl and ciieap- must fil 39 Kvertou-ioad RA LI CAHT eb erne baaotifal wafeatwood tMly ad up to date also Pony Kasiaa Oait beat of eaa-stnKftfec ITeyfieu 39 Everteii-vnasL HANU VAN stykafi and best dewsn fra ad7ertisiajg mafiiam rest for writing said dworatiag iluydan 3 Bvwrto-rod aenr Jueas RALIJi CAK ui 13 to l4 httiocS ia vary good ordox pm aisu good firong Drag nnl aasna 67 aitoa-i uaii ROOMY tight Two-w)iei VAN suit fftnral fieiiresry strong- Ret jt Eo--b minted Harnett LiTerpaol make bottQafte new 'v wj ham-rtrrertfleoitan i road ITiOOJCY Sfloare-pJttern Hwbter-tyred BROUGH AM anfi cspitai Eght Lndaa oorwpu'te aufi aupartor Karttuaha Jitoi-ferr 24 Low tall IliHT WAGHONKTTK to scat bit iritli rcavoraWe XJ hefid also rubtaa-tfr Gormcss Car irad tliMtw) Dirttf Aophr fttot-iuT 27 Lath'll 3LC NFRAL Furnish' ps aiifi rti iers Orpitnl lat BJiUUQHAM aeariy eflitai to new aii a Onranv' ciftj In good order to wat ten fttocker 24 Lowhili ONJFHANTl Four LAVDAC7S Fowr ErmnclmuM Six Rau 1 Cars Two agj-Oiiettea floUmn 55 B-inartoa-t-trefta Mauchertex PONY (12 1j new Hororaa aud ftbaadry for tutoiffiisa cu I Brown Aiaro hrw 'i few ami ik t'ttrfe sold togethei tr wj irateiy 1 Muriaitd -street tacnck-rood 'ErftuiS pas ery 7 INULK BjwOUOiiAM by lAyd wm d-ootor niy £18 Foai- wheeled Dogvftrt by Tloopei arul fum-oions oai new George-winara JOMl'i AFtUCA For Safe rotayfete Set oi fro SAJ'DLLEY ft'C(ui-hsiatl- Afepjp Fry aad Co '4 Daretreet LiVttooi SPRING CART fax Ssne at 7 Burkrestrect Liatoo-atreet Derby-103d Sf Bfe7iSA 1113 DOG one ol the granftort of the bif-ofi cost 30 gin: to (Ti'ofl tome £10 pertrert companion 33U- hiffh Addrt-tt 83 Mcreirry-offive riLAM WAtritON' also Hre-horso WatiiiB und rooti jL Kot TU- ttart Ajttrty Purtenitei titoins 4fca Orai-Bittrcial -rod IMllt Grey HlHWK 15 3 vm vi ft an anted good wrkr Rpriu 'art Patent ath-r Goars fjuttfe new will separate-- 32- ure simru st- tjcutSiirui-id- IMHD'K Piobaal 6KLDIVG fi 2 narranUfi fcTod workir lJutehrr'm ftraiidrv ftio Gig suit 11 or 12 tend a c-Uitoe of ubrea ft ts of Waiiiuss 3L7 B-kUHiii-stixM ftoutfen'5-road rttO Bren-rs i Twitraotori auu (Hh-'rs T'owur- jL fiu or i irf hams 6 diuftnr and backpr on hard or eerft nit r-ouh reqtuiiwr itoa- twr-w wnlte? jfiven or 14 day fepron- fr ft pnee 3U fsViiiisfftim tism pass AD Truiirtsiucn Th 1 of Two trew-goiife 1 Bft A vay anfi black 0 i 7 yvri: very taste ao1 gd arkeri 4 Arrow-tr prt rtrererwid 1 Ti aftcsasi'j: ud ui)u i ftod Ure Wkh nt tw food HstncKS HGKftlftS one a prey four years ud io I tlor otiifi a buy botu steady iu hmntess 232 1 Mfi-bv oifi Boi le T'gtJ Furaitaic itemoveis Teamownei and Otter A A bio Htiorur tmd ttlwuMt pat Spring CART onty boc'u utfi a tew titurro no further use cor it price £14 ia ue pwu at 78 Henry ttiwt X) lcuUctti'-u aud Outers -Tte of two rood ILft and Hains Shandry awl Rarn-s ute ap tntvttox or m-purafedy 2 ftiJ-L Welsh 1 'VN firat end- buteber and any fttedde iiivi flUHehn stre-ct Town- st re be ftold TipiHr Fnr-erheel TIAVD or VAN veiy its splei-fini onrdrtonj eo-ftfewl Cart Afipij Mx Wtit-y coiuffiburafet 44 i 1 1 i vci pm rjpo te Hold o' a i I'ONT Tran aad Uaru'-as owner uo i tuitteT use -Afeyiy 46 Mfi-tit tod wbii i'py'b ftohi PON four rear otd (but aid 1-dniwM i tiHfeeihei or se pfcratelr Apply 34 LUt ut- SinH ciiap rood useful MAKE 15t tetuiw suit sl-iw aoik ceiJ workfli in any Wacfts -Apply Stub lea Crave Dakikski Aufletd fTVO he fluid uivt-otaa CAR Tun TLu-1 li Puny 5 oar Od paas vet ffi mte and drive ttSsw L'l Side raUl le A 1 -t 'Stet uliowu -fs Ae te Sold ofir'tty HOliftL 15 2 liamis yreuso'd tart roer ftui i Uir iirurfy new afsn ft haiuiry --Apply iwuro 11 am aife-r 5 nv 284 ft mthfiown rcisf rjjjrtl te ftod test vnrt Orej 1 warranted i-r'vl A nauker any )nii-st 3 Lm ptras'r 53 wvej- tr e-rwad Ghy CAR HORSKft 16 WonU pod worUvra rrear lt KW-t BtMtTH Tram 'feata-Tvs tm HOUSES' both £110 ekief rent £20 £K)6Q can rea afcn uu ii prrtty iMfw ROCSES either iqiaM id lot per hoam: freefco*ki end free from £230 i ftb rtonth JTidm-etreet AA Iesftet wiki nhew or 20 Pr omt bouses VVfaiy fei lio unan of Hold 05 JobiMiwrt fehrarptel ttWWflWaT Great Horaer street free yiiSSto £100a Yard's of LAND oft YsaxteBMoai bree for laranfactorj or sued fuoaUce suitable Lareattex 13 0 vferprarateon LmmM HO ttftKflL Matax? -street £300-Wr K- Fistacud COSSAtfS Park-rued eodf Qamttt-sfou lent £08 IBs pm £450-f to It uuuder 13 iIairnstoa-4iet uxteteu Block of baadserae sutatra aril PMOWHOT ewrtootlBg Beta on 2000 squiw raid of fraehrdd to food aaruai prodaetacr art reals' iTfcSASSEr- retsam Apply to and Partsate PreetoM Oouiar SHOP ami Kotitfe High-street Keeton eiose tc- ralieay station 460j £350 can remain Apply to rlKHKAUfgnLAK feTbMft positfea' district aa excel feat business aeafcre: ehftbfe far i property pciee aud ptatt gm i Rirkenbcad -KKiUtAW-W fett is Bfe of Shop PBO-FJSRTrY' with saodem piarte-gtaw trouts let fi ratios potoa wet an teal rental £180 be Jones RiPkeoheeA WALL Paw of Benn-detaebed HOPHB sit ant Wtaresa railway strtjoa oife nsr Dee taort dfcsqp with all latest uatpioTcjaentt aeeomnwdra sag roera seren bedrooms separate fiwaad-ftoor kttafcau a-d usual fltHsas id sLRciy portwii erf moaey may Mrtpp pure eraser court eoeopy om boose if ieaired rest £45 each price £1450-r tad loeea estate agent Birkenhead Baauabie Fieerioid Family ihfl home is detached aad wueteatieffy built aad is oefitditieo it is most eoiapect ssd stands UKd-oat gnyurd the acttosuiedaLtm oaoxtste of eeirswee ball with laTatory three laatortaining bUifard room eaeeilenl kbckes and sBoiDtoieoia wiry anpesate baDuoom and a eight capita1 acd two dressing rooms the sypartenaoees large ecnserTotery tit* satraoee from ball fa rAii two Ac toe entire dranttege has weairtiy beaw reeaartr acted acd all samtary are -p ante eely posseasioa if dasaad 1 Haghs amt Joaea Birksnhead 5R-BtA BtekaciMMd A iW 31 HOCTSLh rwo fcbeps txeeboid rental £841 5 ail tet Ute ufs? woo id be sold tor £1800 certain wad regular after vVducting interest eAnf mat actual rates said taxaa and £100 anaaoi to sinking fond to umkI coa-wlucb tor tAe aaxt few ycam fcboald aut exceed erf the amount coaii be di ScC illiaaas ffartli Jetea-etrod Sarth Wain igii IMuisl Xi'J HUUdK contauusg three i ataw bwctrcoaBs Ac end every modern of land about 884 square iuAs For farther to Janes ai-d Efewottb chartered ao tc (fl Whitewaapv4 Y-ROAD ineae-A Bicck of New PROPERTY of 34 fioases freehold rented £543 kt to gaod teaartts and ne errt-ara drride tine a tor cxmpietoa or if desired a cusutderabls pocLun par chase moaey a remsba ia uwrtgase at Ipei HUbsn 1SH wry -ottos and iLsey streets 'two About 400 lasts of LAND and Boddiags site suitable lor steHag Ac fro tag abous 4Dtt depvi: WCrft -Apply George Daitaa sod deaa 67 LorAateert Fsawbntd OJTT18J41 cdf Weal Dectey road Satal grwfis mava £iQto 4s pree tew quack par- A Daac ad rfu'ty tf7 Locd-sL 2444 -OiSl Lot Frcaaeoi hcci-Detascbed VILLAft well bciit on a remdatia! estate near yart Address tor in ps 6 Meteux psiu or oUtcUwise piee nioderate- AJL1LL CMURi 'Wfertree-ri-iiwr swpecun Sfcx-ioomed Bay -win dwved Aaest posiLon £icm UDUU8 near above duteiet ner-ir ts let Jewess Address 117 iteic-ury-olSce CITY £76l Ships and Hon leatai £220-Bsaity £315 15 lLue rental £258 I iter £8o eight Houses rents £158 lib oay address 160 Meicory effiee ZmierlMe-ls per osuk for jl 170 or Freehold KtoU'-roouwu Houses sabstani-ady-rmilt and dnisned good letting neigh boar httod 151 wtriYY £250- Excelteat now Semi-deteched riULAS ortx 30 per oeet after payment of chief atexstt--AttdrT- 4 ercu rj KS 1 Hfveiuped sad Pinaaeed Property Bought wr 3c Id cireionaewoe 1 Pfcorbarn and Sou Lttd-itreot Liverpool 4ux Hsiy H0C3E (Copyhid 32 Weiiiagton-tensoe opposite Enwiscaael Wl)kpiul-isttui an the Pieioise ii Saio about 800 HQuare write of Freehcdi LANE) 2SSST price £2 5- pex Address 105 ifitOLD I AND about 700 yards) ticnting out of pcmcipai streets to Apply UMitoe solicitors 30 North Jonu-st Lrverpooi SOLD ud Free fram Chid 13 HOCc-E newly erected oed wii oct-upicd ammai restwi £313 eoa-'d he drnded into two tots of fowx booses arid wine 1 ew eh extended tree would be green for Sktefrery Bruce ml Co 67 Lord-street HEISaULD and Free from Chief Lieut 7) HOUCKS eewiy erected and wd oecapiad oader-tot- a very lot wad woiud be wA cheap total retrtai £97 box Braee and Co 67 Lord-street Freehold H0USE3 newly ereeted and all owuapcMi 9 3d Ssiih per week- 02 8s ohiei £20 rairtgag £16CD the Equity Bold and payment taken in -3taa-Bruce arid Co 07 D-rd-rtr eet Alii feotLE V-B HTLET liaUiTY to gre3 rent! £180 £3z0- tu 86 resuer of Aufeney-ttreet oppwste the Equity in Four Freemaid se raatal £98 st £2ldt) emsa bouse costama irai-fiots: kitchen ad scu'r aad two sittiag rooms bedrooms hakhrwoiu fce good eeiisrs siaomii Ida partly used for bwsitit*s pwrpuaea ROBSON STREEl -F reshod iiufineH Premises net -tel £97 10a i atoei 'TANlxEY-PARK (nearj Block cf Seven Frpa-wn occupied: net rental £175 htef At junction of Peoitea-roati Leurd-aad Ytetonw-rtel capital pontiou --Two Freuhald pp net rectal £VQ Jo jo- Nor id John-stiret OOTON Uafl-mite trom Hsotea Stetion with two amts wd brwcw tjoatains throe fuze terVauaiag reonua nd tolliaiu rm wieveu bed and xooms stab ia for nr btstses atuppons mirutfa Li re: pool publie gas iutl ux--r witiag and beating Appy Dawea aud Stephen AIol-jgtna C) tester or Ty- id Co IQ re-j OC5ib OF YOC uvVN ler particulars of new syatesi of House Purchase payments less than lot ill clear adran no cartel regoued Adertss Meroor- "OYLAkLE Pretty Semi-rietacbM FirrefeoH VILLA eoateimng to crrtdrtiirnnjr rooms kitrbea four bedrooms garde price £550 -Apply Bell nad Co 15 Lwi nagtou street 8 JT li BELL a fl '0 87 THE ESTATE AM) MMKTOAiiE AliENTB B-BLTLDCNGS 36 SOUTH OKX -STREET Property LaickD Sold Hwrtgages Prwwptly Arranged Rents Cwr-suU Cei tooted efiauwee fixed beforehautd No cnarge unlws bustoess MreuiiB TeiepDoae 2247- feB Petwehed VILLA bavmg two antertsm-: raot us firei bedrooms batbroom and erery con-cuancfc garden with fruit trees peeaiec early in 0 trawViHii J-epb Bell snd Sias JslBWALL HlUto (one mue rom stitroni FIELD six acres ireth frontage to man read free bo id ioe cmly 8d- L'ei Josopli Beil end flow tDEHIL-T'ree HUl SfcB Lonadwe-strefct aee5 tenanted rent £43 16s freehold pnee 490 fcr flunk se--Jrrepk arrd Sons OYA LSTK FET Waitoo-rowil Seven good nvuny HOC Si'iS h9dy to town jrrass rental £139 leaa- gioaBti rent £37 Jh 1 Od Lrfo £1350 will eii jfwteiy Js-nfc BeJ and Srms yMflf NtsTDN off --Six rewly-buit HOUSES of wt-tractve wppearcace ewrh emitwiwrwf pwx-our kitchen flary three bedroom liatbrrviUi fret-held no Und rent price £1800 or £300 each Joseph Bell FN7INT0N FTNLHS -Single HOUSE rn cboee poe tino freehold: subject to ground rent of £3 15 £230 Joseph Beil aad SonM E58lNGTON-FlLLXH Block of Six smeflenfc HOCfefcS ail splendidly tenanted freehold ground nt £3 15s per house price 1360-- oaeph Bell and 1ASH-IHNI BontV newt 8 HOUSES rent £33 16 freehold bo greund pries £350 tor qciek Joseph Be! snd Sua HEf ALLWAD ieF -EgJw HOUSlifl a Hunt-street 4 £130: freehold fhief rent £37: priee caly JsKsyt Bell and Sees A For EQUITY ih 14 superior House ofl Be- mortt-rood renu 8w each tetw £291 4 ahoid etoar real £52 mortgage £1750 at 44 Bt- Jaecph Befi and Sen A WiiENCE-EO A Werertrea (cdfV Severw choice Hi-vlBr of aewLy-ferrilt PBOPKttTY freebo'd do tmitti rest pr: iood-rwt? lots to suit pij Joseph Ben and Sous MTYLDOH EOAi) off Pair of gaod roomy H01SE8 each hvEg two sitting rooms lire hed- Ac freehold price £725 Bi! and 1 Valuable BusiBe PREMI8SS with c-xteasite freutage orexicuk-Rg Hareuariet and gwod aan aitaeaed ireebaH price £1000 -Hepb Bell 1 Sci -ittiBI-lJwia (ton HOCSK rn ood yards of aid ed baviBg two entertaiulBg gtesiad-lloer kiteheaa four te-d scorns batcrecs ceBmrratoi rreenhosaea Ac e'en enatbhe-uss and rai teto: £850 jSKJWifOA off) -KQC ITT £63 after aU some aeoerred by ta Houses repair show Pr coat A Wade aae Soas 01 Lrvd strt Ftoauu-cocd To os aAd Rogry HOUBfes cootauung oath acd Applr 81 Edre- eae LN8IK Maly To be 3e dfepateL two Leu of aewiy-cracted HOUSES and Shop- ai a5 5 PreacoArond for about 20 Four rnorserl Cot-tagtt aim for parr of jssaii Villas adTan re-and 7aiis wreHteete aud surrey or a lt AN5La Siottadewn-rattd a nicV tet of Rifct Freeaofi HOCSS with btaa Ac j-cte eaeh per week pne ea-h LL-ttOAD Sr-ften riix HOUSES with aP leats £27 ewer aet freeLdd prii 5ot MX rft reels tto eaca per wek freetetki axtSI at 4 tTTAGKS pjjce £1300- rf f- VILLA- stMdrag ia 1300 or oXin Iinettold prrre e-w ln T4 Kii HiSck-j oo curl rent £: nntee £1SOO ai 4 l)uin9 I'oit HOCSK ood-yy roost1 i be4-jrni LaiKeiu ki ectees Jrax Uorpo ratton teast 75 years nm yj-fTn mjcrrn at Foi4 lKT) cl Josie Winmketmt 'w KO co*k Tiolv Ohoreb 1- tr ibglas boos ei any buiioess -rwiid posUaa -iJ- 13B ISUKHLAKD tttrmijraSSii KCCSS ttnw to ga rdeas ol wrr spptf by Ktler Orrell iloait ttrr-M tool Liber- rsvssc LAN a In tIL IS i AOCTioVSEtta 3 CASTUWntEKI IIVS5UPOOL Haw fooiriuc PRnpKRTTES fo -Huifle Maii-Jetaeii!) HM(JSi4 oft Riutit- iteO dovra-road two roomo giauud-flv good bwdxeua batferoem wo ke Sid- Luagferd aad Newhog HidUS au ParifettauV -rOYJkJ ficida eteat ie tram route two K-ms bve bedxwwau fnauid-fieo: kitchens wtwh and koto oatoira bath and nroto-ru eoaraaieaces tou fel eroawd rant £2 lo 24 -Lanyford aud clinic For 743 Sdie Yards of LAND ui Brwfe fajiJXJtJ aad ttat oectrartot or far stobuiig or husr wi prumses Lawrford and Vwhi-v lteVTC Siftjte roomy HOUSE aear rWafeh Tlocks rent 9a £200 may rreiws dl sac by a-y to aed Ntewiins -llli8 HOC 3L Wave tree tesin yards' 9UUvs froateffe two rooms ground -r kitehcaa bath and a terras or fford uad Carnei ftiluP and Housa with Stable and uUU Workshop rental £54 rurug to £K) kSf tjaall grcoid rout Langford aed Navrtiiig -isu bitrii HOUSJ63 off Cratey-rottd inta of iiVr six each -ubie bay tfroaad ruit £7 rents oue at 7a id a 7 3d A utrtord and Nevritof Apply to La nr ford and sai rayon aad artirfa 3 TTaiou-corart Cfertfe-stmt TjwtaMi tBMl-IHf ACHED VILLA with 12D0 yar4 La1 oatertaifiisif flve htd rooxus kiteber DrtK wa Stable eoacaJirmse well-tekfd frark TUuwk ia A Ij T1 AtaDRESSFRS BUSINESS for Sale in good AA locality well fitted feood rcaBnn for leaving ir--Address i 55 going fox all reasonable rent moderate Merer sranysCss IRO fi RY Boilitens and Smith lhadc will sell at a tow figura situated in goad leading tfeeroogb-lare reason tor dtaposaug other bosicftss to attesfed Address A 14 A bigreern offlea JAM WOSHJB on Sale as a gtmag wiaoem plant about £600 This ii un bargain 153 Mercury -afficfi JOHK B'BOffK ACCOUNTANTS TRANSFER BUSINESS AGENTS 25 YKAma) ALLCLA8SKB OF BUSINESS TRANSFERRED PARTNERS HiPM ARRANOSD MACHINERY VALUED STOCKS PURCHASED BELL'S-BUILDINGS 54 SOUTH JOHN -ST LI SPOOL AUNDRY to be Sold iu fixstralaeB thoroughfare no reaaoaabte offer 30 Cohee- AON DRY tne country i every coavenieaee good open drying cauae of Bailing ill-haeith no rcaaouttbie offer Address Mercury-ofBac LODGING HOUSE iiodeh aiee Munpeet House7 rent low situated 21 Dakw-ttroet Baittcu Ian 320 HMherAeid-rottil North Luecpool liK Sweets aad Minerals No 8 Dov-faeet site Well-stocked Comer SHOE and met House present tenant teaving Liverpool sunt £19 10- MILK BUSINESS to be SoW doing: upwat 400 galls week ly good ionium for U-uving very Ad teB i UiJT be Sold '-Confectionery BUSINESS A i-v-A 74 Moroory-offlce ILK BUBlNEisS aad Farm 75 acres 38 eows horse Gurte implement valuation about Jffixchaitg(vfereeti Manehceter and rmt-CiSi BUSlNliSS oouiprrttog Newsageaey Tobaaeumsi Minerals Sweets Toys good businsM district esllent household accemsewdateOB --Addtgw 79 Mercary-'fEce 'v rriVKHTAB Life ED HOUSE and Shop to Tohitcce Stationeiy Taya and Fancy Good SwewX Sra goodwill A 141 Msronry-ufflec OtlVK gT AB LIAHEI) HOUSE and doing trotyl trade rn Guiger Beer and Sweets good Apply North Hill-etrsst 8 YN Aseoont of A good GennrsI and Prorisioa BUSINESS corner Shop and Howe not changed hands for 23 144 Chat worth-street gdgchill A KE Cbanoe lor Man with For Safe Fork BUSINESS with an mhmery newt- machinery worth more money: finest ahop Chester maa ctsset rent low satisfactory reason for aelUitg HorewLl Northgatewtrect Uhcrtcx Swett BU6DCBM for Disposal doing a very profit nfefe trade etoek fixtures and goodwill £1(K): giving up buauaes Aildresa 43 Mercnry-offle ay Corn well estafchaiied bom? Vorrioe phuat and Provender BUSINESS well estabbaned feaartae £500 yearly after expenses torriee plasrt Maeon MAriwtejtreefe Mus ofeafer IBweete Tobaeee aad Mimaal Ivatew goodwill and fixtarM no roasonabh? offer Apply after 7 64 CoiHinenal-road Q-MALL GAFK-EKSTA ITHANT dettg a fair trad: wbtoh couM be wunudaiahly mereased niooly fur nfedievl iind dwKW-ated sort an or two iadfcss will he sold a ijttrgam -Addrews 15 Me rcary-offl MA07iicrs3 SHOP to be Disposed of stock and fixtures to be U1 Apply £4 yutry-rtxeet fifefl-efett Stujtmnery and Newag i 3SUSLNKS 8 to goodwill £160 stock aaid fixture aboat £460 Address Meremry -office A Fresh Kg 'BUSINESS for DiWMfil p3adid oypurtoaity fox energetie person Apply 3 LcAlay-rfeto fowttport ood DftighbottrhocHl DiSPS t-5 ttoik aad Sixtute Adir A 161 ary-offiflfc rfAILB i35c ttoodwil and Fixtures oi Snap A Sweats Miuers Tutoraoo end Suaafivnwoa gotMi house part sent 8i 6d ApgUy 50 Mount Vernoo- sfaaet tOBACiXL News and Sweete main owbt oaanot JL nttand to won sell cheap bath (hot and odd 1-A ft? 1 1 9 le-road rXHlA0U0r Sweeit Kmwttgeoay grand chanco goo? A House fine Business for Safe as usee Apply UtLej and Son 20 Hopa-jww -o ED MEATS Chipped Potatoes Li-U splendid Hoaaa gxajiu poertuffi rare chain to a baegato Utfcley and Sec I Hope-plao' il'HBAStX)NIHTS boa rueaeing Guide? 250 page I 3d i OfitAUft Co 188 P-ttatott-roau London Hairdreasers fit ted JBtttttttt tree Mgr JL Myers 'r J'G AiXX I8TS Oommeoelng ub supi-lied withereerj A kind of Gigra CuaKtU: Tohsu-c-oa aad Fancy Goods at Manufacturers' List Prices Sexto for new price list oi proprietary ardcles All kind of ahop fittings in slock npeeuvi rlius Crated fsixy I'oods catalogue pot free on eppil oatkiu Cheapest and bust house the wade Eid £2 parcel town £5 parcel country Goldberg a mited 41 ah i 43 Paradfec'-street Lfrerpoal fSX "dwidfeate' oud' To to Sold as a gitoafe oun-A osrn a vtoaahto SLATE and SLAB QUAKICY ir tho Penrhyn Drstrud Noriai Wales with Plant aito 4-'or pitt-tuuiare apply to Thonaw aud Jwhs estate agents Wtoktrwl Safe SHOP A eity if actkl at oneft a bargain -Address 18x Bexemy-aflat rfl bo oi Fried Fish Chipped Potato aul A- Cooked Meat BUSINK88 part xuaui ruid nehi rnad Xuka rU) be Disposed of a Btaneh tiHOP ro Fruit and A Greenioeery Baaixiess Apply 10 Uppe Duke-atteer VAiO be Diapmed of a pood Gtenssal SHOP with mvMi JL House attached rwut 0s per week prasnut tenuat been to five years good reasons fur leaving Apply 09 Be etive-street tferle-roat rXVuiyMd air Sweete and Newsagent1 BUSiKKbrf sfi mam thoroughfare south end pro- Sxi tiitotf good hfuw death uisuse of givuig 139 Nether seat texutiu -vvx tan years Adduces A J1 Merrrui UJ be IMsposod oi a Gieeugraoery in xd pub Uc tfeironghfaie low rent uiomnug Address A 4tv Mreury-erftkre riX) be iJtepoM-d oi Ctiojdteiy and Ironruoaurery B-Udi--L NKftft to hastv tfc -asii Sare good rwasom given fur kttriastpriuf £00 -Address A 100 Mai-fflur ysrfflM lO be Sold Uiwery and Provision SHOP 1F window JL sn to'Bt of Kens mg ton Livexpool doarsg S'uA trade 48k Friwae Edwin-stteot flXTba ttoid cheap a Apply 37 Bworten tocraot Iiv: rpooi rpo be ftUwk Pxturea and Goodwill of General A SHOP tSweete and Tobfinuo rent 7s a week eiear -Address A 104 Mer nry-oftiev rHJ r-ted ofewp Chipped Bofisto ud i M- A BUSINESS good gireu immediate iowu tx reanocahk1 offer re toted -33) Nivrtbamberlfind-rt be Sold Frfed Fish arid Chipped Potato SHOP fix-toms uompiete uo roasomibtrt offer 81 Derby-road Bookie no offer good lessaGa for tearing Apply 2 Kirto Deri rjto bo Soli Ciitp Potato A refused imad-rcra (it be floto Fried Fiah and Cteip Potato SHOP A factory reaeoaa for leaving 79 ivQuarofce-pferte jX) be fttSd chc-jp TOBAOODNIHT rad Nevrastti ia JL busy thoroughiara owner leaving Euglonri 35ift HO be the FIXTURES and Goodwill of Birery JL and Wool Kuiiinefis Under cmihiag Son Apply 21 Heywortfeatreel VEfctY uid establiahed TKMPJAlCK HOfl'EL main Uiur iug blare in Liverpoul good uunuecttou a rare cliariet: Afiai'css A 147 Mercur-'-offiue WEST'KULBY -STATIONERY Stoic Library and itogrirtry Office for Sate rent £45 witli -vd use in exooltaat poaxtion proe fat goodwill fixtures rtoek Ml-Apply Wild and Bartow 22 Grah r- West Kiriiy ha Miil-strwft be Disposed oi a good SHOP doing Ov a good trade ui tobacco sweet anti minerals ai Cohriig c-street Wavertrfte To be Drapuactl of OA gvjd General bUOi1 (Swots tee stool and jjood-wui ohen uo reaf-mabie offer reitued i Fried Fsb aad Chips SHOP and two Ltearns jiO 0d 27 Vfllagest Bverton Liverpool 'hand ary inrmmonry ftc BII6I te ttO Nbjj t-j be DisiosMd ui in fixwteehiua thorough-tei atoek at valuation or Address i 20 Mercury-oifict: FLSH and Greeugnooery another Bournes uuaurtcted suto the nunc giving gi4 profit preseitt owner UouAit business tele of Man take Mmager lur the or tbtur soluritoffs only -alt with Mootte Add 47" Mcroary-oflBce 4 4 "For good old BOOK in Loyal liwr to tJXr ikxaety smtwtor i ne tne about £200 yvr teium eftsfi may bf subdivided at pixiportiouai Apply be tore ten s-m or aftoi sewen pm at 00 Ary te-atrect Birkechesd 8 be am? £vnaiiisxr A CTiVE shoct-irtKCcd OAltT HOUSE and in-tod Mare II t5- store horse both 10 hands six and seven years brth aci urtjmwi to sfmfto and chain and heavy neto work niton jruararlee ifiven or free trial Carte Gears £25 irwi Owoiraotox 24 Caroikcerafavrat Wigan Boar staUoa UHi VED from Ireland BOKSKfi 15 to 16 71 hands five to sis years oUi per ler ID mnd worth vf teadsttueix Murphy Windsor Castle HsaiiKUit-rtr ct itiUVUD fruit Dftfand Two thick COBfl 14 2 and 14 3 five and six years oto Job grocer Lode-tose ftvdto i I'ark vK 1 LS jtylish Two-vhw1 Covorad VAN rank xv built also Tea Merchant'e Van wise Huui -209 ftearlrnploti-streei ft otfund-ruttd BAltreAfN idtJH Float (in exeoiiftiA condition i and ilaprwis lot £0 Jf separately 21 Black Bull Waiton-rood grains iss li Fast PONY Hawking Owi and Ur £7: nsefiii Dsrt liaise £4 aiw Pony £3 Hja E'sfrt -street lucteth JA L'i AiN 'flni'k Wftih PONY 12 hand Ltnwtaar' It DAit and Barnett Lot £0 light Fteat £5---l i Y'SUwt A rrkdaSe- romi ItUiOAIN for ftpnrhd PONY Itostn Trap with Lamp ituhbcr Mats uxfi Hmiiirts Afeo Hhj cufei 30h Owner teavmg Lwu (fialds 50 fifedapel jT i7ii Fadfire ARE in Livnrpoai 14i liiis perteetly -Kruvii grand imtiQn nan do ie mite iu 3i rniiiutes intended for tho front brit was 1 ep-rt-d an a-onjBt flf brtj ig ftosmaii-d pn-e £10: wwth do inn or won id ex-elmnge for saiailer one Address 190 Merc-iu 7 -office BliAaS-MOUNTEI) HAKNivNft acii Muhinw tyred trig to new -Thus grocer ten- it fci A DBA KFil ft Luuijfiiy Impuetote ui Wter Choice erf two two divej wt mufie 20 Bound uy-siiert Kaa4 -itlaui-ireKl (YAKT HuIiftE active 16 htoMht ac w-eu wai good bar ker anal ar tti 111 sinit and cLaui giLrau teed ways satisiactorT trial erven fen Apjfiy 02 WalnuV-atrect Mai t-fe in CIITOJCK of Three good 'aiS HultftKft sutehte 1 wok wtttefim 01 ciut lx lit 133 I'tej tj CtHKAf Mi Auoly trt i r-Fi ri park Cif-U JH KAF Fmit i V-' H'lH Hasiis- c- iHOIC I dr re 1 I i Apply 8 u-a id rnwi Jo cheap Freucart off -r ifcfone i-- Alter iteuitt-- -atie I 01 to fart Fisuctrl 3i an: aad o-'eiul ob £5 giving up 22 re-'t T'-xfe tfi of Two Bfi 4 bunds tok soaufi pjsj eivkne ears stolid n5teudd Silver iaouotii linruesa Dugeast with lamp aad sfnons Float ifUA- to item with larojM to eut any ousiar-is getoer or aenai atoty -4LL Gucsrtut st Motmfc p'tasiat VLKAN' ii6ELJ Oarl JAAUE tj uaufis an mare surtabte for tovn or country sUtouth good R-infet-r in (fears and soand wiin-c guarantee and t-ial given price l6fs --30 nwid Cbae-lmd CKuh? to trams und Bro-fe-roml fttai CNOAI DFlALKitfl OT Oth-ia! Hfufiy WA'rtJON 1 7r ivi patent trtna by Atkinson Brown Home 10 Hands and Gi torether wfvarately 71 Eo Ux jr-rtreet Great Hotoer atreet CIOLi Di DOG PUP 1t Safe two mouths aid: 1 aaifi whute gplesislMl dog 10 0d Address 1 lli9 Mercury -lfiee iDLLIK BITCH sabfe and white marking twelve munths good pnarfi snd 15 Wire Fox terrier ILteh six mouths best blood sire aad Birmuigbam winner 25 Two Irish Terrier Dog Pups iX wwek old lOi ettch 51 St MrohueiVroful CtONTB ACTORS and Others KBCKING CAUT inew) also a good Spring Cart and a rerany strong Foat 3- Giouoester-plae LuwinJi OGCAKr bj lttvrtem Warner wheel ruboei tyres almost new Hotel 70 uai-rtraet ODsdihett ekmtf 54fta DJ aise aurftc Donart to salt 12 to 13 Airl to auJ A Me 136 Ixioo-rMrl Tl 54t fl OVBRNSS CAJl to nt tmU fov t'faotttoU Unniiod utao mw Aleiasidn Bias al'Jl in good is 1: Lo ados -read to new 14 to A Wed? London-nd IfeALLl CART to suit 12 irandfe Iio JiMh Cart to ufe 14 ftunfiertDl bail '16 nil mini mpxownoota ond A Wd 160 LoniiKi rood LHU1 by Wiadtiver prieo to uu aio a goufi Waggonette fuid ykitaria Apply to and A Wafia 106 tqiial na Paectoa LoiMeo-rrrfut Lld ill A NOTE LANDAU io 'peiiac onfer wiiy fct tars sood feraidtfx alio a nxaguiugteat Harouuh aud man bareitt ttiwl A Wade 0Q fe iiotMoed ftAKMKitft -Oood I'tetiiot Htxasis about "i 6 hands t5111 be wefu at Apply 1Q4- Wtutechmwl Idm Haic a good FIaYAT and ftet erf llamata ata) ftt 105 HeywoittnitMet ISrtfm i Detaciid RBBIDE5CB containing Jj three entertiujrmc rounu btiiuud root- gool gumim-fioor Mateas six bedroones sod dmssin ratsa Ufeosi erm-veaieaee good garden with vinery Ac- wi! cenaral ami exceiit-nt repsa Appiv DsuisU 64 Tietoiiu UtOBKf Tt-EOA Freehold HOUSE contauriBg two Vie parkin ra kitetejR and senfiery four fdroouia aai bsthxoQsa price for quick ate Apply Danseis "tt ALHFI KLU Dctoefced HOfJSE sottolM ent'' taioing rasas sis t-sirwonss aud aroand-ftoor bx-elte gstrtlen wrth ecuswrwstory (reeusd pnw £tPJU open to offer Apply Lferueis SemHtet-sslMd BBSIWCKCB ta inrag two eaiertatemu kiobss six iaedrooett finer kitebeca pnwste frwtiUd £900 AppU Daniels 64 Victoria-stcent Xpsvt BHiOHIOK Itetoil HO0SS ia 114 posiLaa ennteiomg terw eatectaining ry'as kitdtema teoteuy and pantry on gtKid floor six teiroouifc two bairucrnis See Arbiress B- oitre and Nfattogate LRpooL AtTiiaS Stock SLt-rabosi Fwtebold HOUSES fekrcO good tetticg dwtrst-Ahfe A 140 Merwttry-Jilieu OFF Wsd'OtiW-Tf nrica nxsred) wall oosapwd rros £71 UK- Bemy Josses proparty aasdionssr 5 tteowtewste fllK Seat BLOCK oompriaing Corner Hhtjp A and tb-ne Hon in CLfWroad Last fteoiKd gross rent £63 pnes LeaQ -Hwiry Jenxs 5 Coak-st Gf BEEN-LANK Oner SHOE and three good Cet tsgea in main thwsougirfarft ixipybaid gjua rem £59 Dnc I4ry Janas 5 Ooek-strA XT Corner SHOP end fiw wefi let Cob tagea Jasper-street Bums-ruad hwhoti grow rent £71 10 price Henry Jo wt 5 Cook-st 8rx HIIOPQ and Stable iar stakon -Ei copyhold gross rent £120 18- Uflce £1150-Henry Jours estate agent 5 Cook-strext ALTON -Nest Block erf six 9teLy June tno ffflta 89 Trs from 1870 gr 1 10 grts rent £78 Henry Joae Uook-strect lUb1 Viiold HOngK il sorwtzeet chief rent £20 pnee Miry ptoiwrt? xmtiKXxet 5 CiKik street 5KP0H-mc PKdU H003BS fa BaEtSaJu-tMtak poo real £93 12- £8d0-Henry Jones 6 Oook-streut AR HOCSES (aaw fa rsr eiectru tram Jsiaefaj-a wj r-TJ fioto 1881 jroalrf reel £17 5 lis 14s- price Jcum 5 CS-6- 0F tokMto-TTclse FtorttoU H0DSS8 to Bgrtm toneti ktom rent £148 4 pnee £1S50-Hews Jones property wicticnrei 5 co*ck -street £odlao -I7ri SHOP nS flw Hoaf free- toto paw rent £87 2 prwe £825 I4-- Henry Jones 5 Cook-street Meghow 20 1779 Block rf esfUt RXoHfent HOUSES in ikwk killeMd Darby lease 999 foad iwt £1M rn rant £124 18- pr U7 Ki 'VTXOPHjK LI -liOA SSx exceflent HOUSES ii-S tn gccj aitaatioB oid Kvertaa fane 1000 years fc-Hs rent (leak -street rent £81 18s prieo £85 O-Hoary Jcmae 5 treet AK North Hayrnsriet -Two HOUSES Nos 76-78 J3 irgL-street gross rent £28 ISA Price £2S0 Hesry Jonta 5 Cook-street NFF Stantey-rrad ro -stall LIABLE tor Sate aaaoh-v bowse freehold: gross rent £3 pnee £95 Tery fiMKy Janes 5 Brskfieid-rad N-Eidsi Fn-eboW HOUSES in sitJteLun gross rent £136 4 ebref £0 pre £JfeO Henry Jams 5 Cook-stroet- £FF Bwk awtoM Freeboid HflfWM in Wixidviifedwrraft cnee Henry Jjtutx 5 Caak-wtreet Trlttow 1tT9 Fk Upper Warwiuk rtiwei-Cbome sad mM Blook rf FraelitfiJ PBOtPSHTT rents 6 6d fMl 110 17a all tenanted ones £950 mortga £700 st4P cent- -John Stsnney 23 South Castle-street XXARK-BOADj Obwtoa Investaiejit A mg ing Bioek rrf Freehold SHOP £316 price £2850 £2500 can remsui at 4 per Joliu Stenney 23 Saato Catte-totreA Parb-ruwd Coonnaadsne Stock of Freehold PRO PKBTY rent eU pad rental price i i575 £13fX) cau remain at John A Two Freehold HOUSES wiQ lJ tiaritfrd net rental £42 p5ee £550 John Stesurey COUTH hltoMt-Cmn t'nttoold SHOP 1-BOFKKTY rsntiu £110 10a: montage £1000 at 4 pot John StanEty END Fonx Frw-ioiii SHOPS food I bwH- ifc tii maigliSare rente! jtil priee £0COl £450 eac reman at John Stance 7fr Ini Exeeliess Freebcid PBOP KKTY iJLlO Queen a-xoad act rental £62 10- mcit-gage £600 at 4 per Jehu Stennn lAka iLh'SE near fliwn la nr Exeelietrf Free A Lo-J PRuPLICTY rwi £73 2- rente reuiaily Pl John Stxums 23 Soattt Caattoatreet ROCK FK KB HJBHFIKLD SOUTH containc-three eiaterWiniBi rooma kitrhan acnlie? Witters pantry on Sowr nine bedrooma dressing room ruutreum convenient to railway etsAson and terry 3hn 23 Bonth ViLLA-LESUilihrCK Ptfcf -Joo 23 Sh CaatiHrtree HL -A- hold 15 imxutes to rtation 20 minutes to lKat RixA Ferry Frw- vaaaat ia eight weetg: gardwis back and front two eater taming tour bed bath and box rooniA two good kitchens and pantnee fc anti water Waouffte at samtar arrangement exceitent two wn' ptioe £550 £450 nuy remain at 4 per eeut mortage--Adures a 97 rs mry RARE Freehold Six-room north end £30 ah will puvcbaae balaaes Jorwa I teen 8 Lord-street aad 70 ALTON -One or mom B0UHS8 two parfoara six will poxchaa out Vf Cftr isbr jobr-road teMiroatna bath ic large pat toms price ikiiL £5v) Jones Beess 8 Loid-rtreefe ttud 7 0 IV HOfl-divbEIA between Little Head and Coiwyn Bay r' -To be Said Sean-detnefcf COTTASKSi four ee'lrooato Jdm Hngbea ''urada Pagan wy OOCKPIFLD-ROAJJ freehold rmi £23' nets priw £365 Traoiureie -Parr SC YHlaa mt £40 10s price Paai Villas rent £52 priee £830-Chrfea Villa bold rent £00 price £850-Apply Jsmea IIodgklBa 1 Victeria-atreet cornet North JahreatrwfA LirerpeoL KLi ABLE RJBNT COLLRCTINQ ecfHjemiy in re-i-h pans prompt fbittjuto retariiS gnatanteod rafi-r-fucaa lames IIc-dglrHf Victor ia-ttreet rerpaoL 4 1 i ii OC K-LAN Kock Ferry Semr-deteeheti -EL ilOUSR three entertaining rooros seven be4rooias Axe two-statled stable coaohhoaat! hanreao inota aad greez house tenure tree hold Paterson Thomas agvata 15 Oco*k-traak 1 PreaiwW DWBliLNO H0USH8 Nos 2 to la mnpsby read Aufledd road price £1800 aSwayj ocaspied no chief Apply to and Veumore hi SMnAawlod Titepboan No 1463 mo Close a Trust -Six Freehold DWfcLLINO H0UKB6 New 102 to 112 to and Vemaora 200 Freehold DWELLING HOUSES off Lower Breck-away let price Apply to end Veamore 200 Scotland-rwrA CtOUXCIi LOT IfesesSerd-street Evertou freehold no chief rests I £101 Ss- price £800 Apply to aud 200 Sci3tiami-roa4- OSK Bteek of 26 Four roomed COTTAGES off W-Utoa-raad tenure reahoid -Apyly to aad Veaxaore 200 8etiaud-road INE HOUSES and a Coalyard near KverteB-road reats £127 8-: £1500 freehold no chief rent Apply to and Vematwe 200 flcwttwid-read IX FreehaM HOUSIffl off Great Homer-si rent oe L5 chiaf rent rental £137 16a Price £960 App'y to and Venmore 2QQ 'V ti 1 THE OLD-ESTABLISHED ESTATE AGENT AND VAL17BR IMPERIAL CHAM RUES 02 DALE-STREET Rapid Sales at Psert Prices Mortgages ArraBged with Despatch Ltrp List Urttin on ApjiUcaiion- 'flgphone 5083- DUE-LANK near Need ham-road" Five Freehold UOL'SKS coatain two twr ocu krtcficn reufiery four te-di 'jwiiis white buck eievatif eau seLi two or three Mr Bond 02 1 ale-strec-1 "I ICE BROOK £150 chtoce Block of DweR-L in? Hfwise A bort-road Tuebrouk modcrit conveni-enoea capital uvertnw-ut Mr Itord 62 fae-street BAMBER-STIIEKT liwUlicrton F-ve HU USE'S lease-uo'd: pi mw £825 rents 8s eueh ky never iijibi App Bond 62 I wte-strert PHYTHLVN STREET iiwbiU 'Two Freehold HOUSES rents £38 8 price £410: roonis t-4F windows Appiy Mr Road 02 D'l-'e street 'VTBWS'rE AD-ROAD SmitlMiowD-road -Exraitent Free-i-v bn HOUSE let at £30: ail modern corveaienees print £400 App tc Mi Bond 02 CtLARKE-STREET cf? Uppei Capital Free- he COTTAGE rent 0s price £i40 easy payment taken Rood 62 toWbe't RLINGTON Teu Freehold COTTAGES good ord rents £117 pnee £700 capital ia-veaimeat Appiv to Bund 02 Itaie-sl 5014 YATATKiALOG Bwek oi SHOES ia Stmth-rtwd Pert it TKisition equity £700 shows 12 per cent one of the sooudest iHvcatment to the market Mr Bond Q2 DAte-tr-t 7 ATE KLOO Capital Family HOUSE aff St JobT'-rod rente £34 ali ui-lsrn l'-qun jmeate pru Apply to Mr Bond 62 iate-street UTOSSYCKOlrT CHjatal Faimiy of! Green---? Lax three eute reaming ramus uxi eight bedrooms I eoavauienoaB pro £S(XX- Tc ui-riern coureuxuis pn £3(XX Mr Bond 02 Duh-st Boitdfexe and Freehold LA SD tobefli-Vd ux ti rwwigreiu close to station Apply to Lloyd Hs aod Go 0 Lord-street JusrpooL fJjX) Bui 3600 Yards of LAND grUurte Aahfiekl PKAoa-r-aad Wavertrea road and footwaik atready completed aad adopted houses in in mufL demand this tecaixty no reatnet ioi axoept wfaic may ha arranged wifeh the parctower Ateo a Piece of iii situate JMeent Ptettaant-rvad New Brighton room lur teoi sfei For farther imitioaiars apply Kdwasd ttobexhi estate broker 6 ILrrHwxi ifwt Livexpooi qpO Banders Teamoaiieix or Othexa To he in A tie? neishboarhood of uxton and Woodeimruu iioads Bcrbfrnftead 000 fsrds of Freehold LAND upon which craiid be erected good ottnrev (to let at abtit per week MAUrtr to others in same roiuii and iarge staining Ac to rear there ara at preseat tom large fkaai-detacned booses cm the laud which uocld be -For farther par-tteatax apply Josopii Lire 19 South John-wteant 0 iGufeerk- ew ririgatou racrag th New Park mA odjmnutg the Promenade Freehold LAND with kiws advances ia iotts to amt For plan and fan partieu-taca rppiy to Wright and Nayior Lord-street Tete-pfae 5907 Oefctrai rNt be Said 300 Square Yad Freehold LAND aeath -a- Side Itechei-s treat Giat Hmier-trett fffiO be a Doabie VIIAA Not 20 and 22- Serew- A Try -road Ozton vatant rvrtpew-n mar he had of N- zu iq iam rr-xx required--Apply to Bmttaa ireidtect 59 Ilunnten-jiiMre liiriarnhsad Ii ftri a id Gf 'L FT (near eieotrre cars) Two Freehold HOUSiS iut rents £52 uomim prompt sate hArilK kUAii Nme Freehsid Haases reats £115 i grari order I'H'r S- jUIAD iortj Bhxk ef uewlJMtfected Hrwisea 6s tA per eeit Apply Brooke jJoum 20a Nwth oivu-rtreet suitapte f-r erectun of wttu ose or works eau be divided to tut a purchaser rttna ieae 01 years to Appy 3 obiv(Hi estate agent 7 bTrtera-sLreet ALLAfi BY Freebotd JilLi HOUSES vv tliifetoe- Breek-rood alai three Freehold Osfasges and ubttut 2030 sfluorv yards of iaad tore poverty has frontag to toe mean road heteu Wjfeey and Pouitou and off a vAushie aite for steeps cr dwvii-mg hoo3 will he sold one or two lots to surf a par-chsser -A Did Jos U'ivesun 7 Caokfe LiverjKioL WATKKLOO SAN iH KYb-AVKN UK Uxford-rosd nee ur bu7i'rr: on 39(X) yards nre6netd also 156T) jards with two cap tel iiotiiagoe a tow ynea to A Bax fer and 6oe 04 Btaaiw-rtreet Valuable Bteck rd iand cto3 to i ILoua toout (X) aquare yards roal Freehold Du UfrE soatainmjr ia bawdieu? washtomae larder xuu grrrA eilar3oa finer Iferee entertaining rooms tmtler pastry store eioa-t kitetwo five bod-i0' oaturcorf it itrepbee coachhonss aud rtaprag fm two aad a oow tmhtj three coaserra-tenea and gaid'-n oateuts about 3000 yarfia FfT niuris to view appiy to Blaase FiwseSr-tr i Wff'' aocrniTrKJiafe throe awiw with eoaehhouso 4 Croxteth road Pi com an Kilo as Residmice aairtaiuing ample Sswdsru and couserretwy stalling far Ac freehold sabjeot till 1st January 1 to arums! ywyipont of £25 10 roii-teats about 3929 fluare yards Caretftkw on the premise 7 FALKNEIt-vSQUABF three large anterteimnjr to rootati live ird: all BonTniees flne bitttf ia iawn stable and Corpoiattuu team- 70 T- ira I to ruo Caietaker -rii-wan and etona FenwH-kalre-v rA and ftimHdwwr road Dtnt -Vr i -hiwe seU-hwitt PltDPERTIKh bits of two four six re hotites at of 7 flu 1 pssf week lieavan astat- briffrer 40 V-utfs I hr- xt AVENUE -Very 1 iron-e os sx 1IU17M7S ieaseUio nMtl £128 14- pine1 1 ft mailer Lot pn-r Bearan 4a Nortli Johu-rtret WW JJNGTUN tH7AD Toxttb paik -ffeyfftal Free- 110UI exeeifent runts rrtai iih prit-c only w- Iteavan 473 North John-street VtTPHTiO WN-BU AD exu-ueut tertll 1 ING UUUSii wtn arardeiis stabte thoroughiy order and rouditton ttf-eboki pru1 eAVTi and vainer 40 North Jcdin-rtraet IftSEX-STltEET Tostorii-purk FreaEld Iat HfeUftHBi rental £80 12 -ten te inrreaaed pnoe Bftuvan 40 Nreth John-street HOUSE No 1 Arlton Wraee wrth Jtx garden ctrttuge and stahiie fteeholfJ price £775 ntotai 40 North Jsrt-EwA 3 floor bail 107 1 1 71 per 4- and few ca dai 57 A 1 to fl Both the Liverpool Service -that rassed in the 5th Irish and that composed of sections from each of the four senior volunteer battalions of the are now on their way to the front and doubtless before the end of the coming month will have had their baptism of fire Well they only want their opportunity and given that they will we feel sure earn praise equally as high as that bestowed by Lord Roberts on the Lord The following paragraph which we cull from the pages of the Service will be of interest The present state of affairs has caused considerable additions to the commissioned ranks of the volunteer force The number of first appointments of combative officers has amounted to 440 since January 1 and this without any addition having been made to the establishment of any eorps First Week Appointments Resigna tions 6 4 6 13 13 10 10 62 Jan 5 re 12 re 19 re 26 Feb 5 re 12 re 19 43 34 59 75 65 83 81 440 Total gain 378 In the London Gazette on Friday the various local volunteer officers who have sailed for the front were granted temporary commissions in the regular army These included Liverpool Regiment Captain and Kon Major Thomas oaptain Captain A Kyrko-Smith lieuteniwit Lieutenant Kenyon lieutenant Royal Irish Regiment Captain Williams captain Lieutenants GoflFey and Grindley lieutenants and Cheshire Regiment Captain Thomely captain Lieutenants Bates and Craig lieutenants Major Grattan who for five yei its was adjutant of the 2nd VBK-LR- has been ppointed to the command of one of the now regular battalions of the Liverpool Regiment (the 3rd) now being raised Major or to give him his new title Lieutenant-Colonel Grattan is now with his regiment at Ladysmith Lieutenant-Colonel Meiior who is also one of the Ladyemith garrison is also an old adjutant of 2nd YB Both he and Lieu-tenant -Colonel Grattan have seen active service tho Afghan campaign A special army order issued last week states that an officer of Militia Yeomanry or Volunteers employed during the pretent emergency on military duty with the regular forces will receive army rates of pay extra pay and allow ee of the rank in which he is employed and on ceasing to draw full pay will be entitled to a gratuity Regarding the medical examination erf volunteers for service in South Africa the order states that when a volunteer 00 receives an application from any volunteer he will at once have him medically inspected The annual meeting of tle A hear Volunteer Rifle Club was held last evening and the pro- codings will bo found reported else whor* We should say by the way that in view of the extraordinary influx of recruits in the local corps and the more stringent requirements of the musketry regulations the capacity of the A I tear Range large as it is will during tho coming season be taxed to the utmost Clubs other than regimental will find some difficulty in obtaining target accommodation on Saturdays but thifi difficulty should not exist in regard to the Aitcar Cfcub which is one of oldest shooting organisations in the United Kingdom R-ricrmting- is brisk all over the city and in every one of the three arms artillery engineer and infantry Paying a visit to the headquarters of the kt VB the other evening we saw what at first we took to be a fairly good battalion parade It turned oat to be a squad of this recruits As we have already pointed out the secessions to the commissioned ranks are also very numerous whilst resignations axe few and far between- Locally during the past week there have been gazetted os second lieu tenants 1st Cheshire and Gani arv unsh i re olui i teer Artillery Messrs Reiohel Gibson A Green Dickson and Hindley 6th LVA Mr Robinson 1st VBJCLR Mr Webster 2nd Liverpool Mr Harrison 4fch Liverpool Mr Percy Rosenheim 1st VB Cheshire: Mr Foovey 2nd VB South LsceashirG Mr Pilkmgton again a movement is on foot to secure the formation of a Sootfcish Volunteer Corps in Liverpool We have no desire to throw oo! water on the scheme and indeed now is time if ever that such a corps could formed It might however be pointed out that there are already within the city boundaries the head quarters of no fewer than twelve corps several of which are much below their maximum strength despite the extraordinary influx of recruits during the past two or three months Moreover only three out of twelve corps have an establishment running into four figures Would it not be better instead of attempting to raise a new corps with all the Attendant expense and it would be considerable of providing headquarters to endeavour to strengthen those already in oxisteneo? Doubtless permission might readily be obtained to add two Scottish companies to aay the 2nd VB In regard to the scheme for the formation of a corps in connection with Liverpool University College this is entirely different especially if the suggestion of Surgeon Lieutenant Colonel Cayxer VD 6th LYA bo adopted Here in Liverpool we have stretcher-bearer detachments in connection with all tho various corps but that useful and necessary branch of the army the RAMC is not represented Ae Colonel Cajnsar say The want of a concrete body of medioai volunteers has been much felt by the surgeons attached to the brigades of artillery corps of engineers and volunteer battalions of the Liverpool If volunteer medical staff companies can flourish in Cottonopolis why should they not in Liverpool aad here a better recruiting ground than University Coi-lege? At the conclusion of the intor-aasociation krtegtpiel carririd out at the headquarters of the let VB on Saturday evening between rep re -rtnrtivea of the Liverpool Volunteer Sergxcmts' Tactical Society and the Metropolitan Volunteer Seroants' Taot-ical Aeooiatiou and which was fully reported an the yesterday an imprempfcu Smoker was held Staff -1 Ser geant Cook presided and lie was supported by Jour-Sergeant Bhillips Own Armourer Sergeant Gatrell and Ookwr-fiwfeaitf Maaou l3ixi London) and a gaiheetng which ware included roprewuatetivco of nearly every one of the Liverpxd corps as well as tfie Southport sand Birkenhead bettaiiooa In respond ug for The Ocdoar-Sergeant Phillips who is one of the ablest Ioak0rs 4o whom the contributor of this column hat ever Iwui the pleatmre of bvtenin referred in indly terms to tue good feeling which existed Ixuweec tlie icrgeants of tee metropolis and thenr uonrtxmrmissiofnftd comrades of Liverpool Deahng with some remarks ol the chairman in reference to tape" he stud tluit they hi London bad experienced tho aiinoyaaieee of the otrcumlooutiion office erven more chan IukI tee volunteers of the proviiKwa if it was only in the wuy of contract The Lord Mayar had evidently caught the authorities in a moment of good humour with tee reeuk that the formaliou oi the CIV went ou without- a hitclu the men had to tmffiT no inconveniences und no utid were peramtted ffo at-tend tX tht-ir respeoiive busrlnra eng agementes until tee last posaible i In a remurkalffy short space of tune the whole regunotu was on its way to tee front and indeed althoug-h the inoeptkm of the idea was only tvo months old the first contingent of the orps had received its baptism of fire How different was Uk eipesneuoe of the Service com-which wore bemg formed in ovurax-taovi witii the varioiii corps 'like the Iruia of Courts for instance the battalion to which he had the pnvilogi to belong At first they wore told they were le srf taw hod to ib- Rfl Brigade then it was the 60th Rifles awl now they wore informed tiutt they wnd Uifcve tee hottour of beJug sent to remforee tire Sooty Guard Well they were proud A teat honour but they had not left England yet edthough they looped to do so iLhiu the next teiye He himself was nug out es colemr sei-gtsuit of the company Lfiinng the eveaicg songs and recitations were oontrrouffed by Ocflrxir Sergeant larkinson snd 5crgeant Knight (1 Liverpool) Colour -Her -(Taat Kittrick and StafT -Senye-urt Sborttiil (6th Irish) Colour Sergeant ILunsou (6th VB) inpiny fterewnu ayr Sunders aod Sergaut Tul (It LVA) Swyeant Masters (4th A) Coitmr-Hargeacu hfou (3rd lomkvii ami 'teov Green (Lt Hverjiool) wts a1 tho jsuwio wiul tho arrany-'mira for fclte gathonug were tho KwuJs of Srgeant Clarke honorary aoenffrary tee moiety In -fcri official not kv the Council of the NaLtynril Artillery Associate gtAte that they have felt it their auty during th- present to place tho at tv iota of the UMhciatiou at te disjosal of the authonttes in any way which uld assist the v-nnnent in develop mg' tho v'rfmiteer arti-Ilery sh-md ootw3-ei that 'fcssociat-ion could rend -r auy asKiatance hi a long letter to one of tee service paper Colonel IMfc-irgton VD lately enmnand-iag tlie 4th deals at length with the question of voluntr'er c'amps He gays that projx'eal that volunteers should be sked to attend tor a month is out of the question and a fortnight would any considerable extent bi just as object oa aid A vast number of the vohrnroor force would Liavo joined the militia if tliey could have given rnoTith to the training Mv experience extending over a period of 27 years' semw has dwavra I'-en that if 40 to 50 per cent of a bertalion can be obLuncd to at rend camp for eight days that tin- maximum and I never had a man in camp for iesf? than eight day It must be remembered that the great majority of the men attending are men earning daily witgefl and they sacrifice their wagus for the period they are camp The only exotyptioafes are those lrom a very few manufacturing diamc-tN wiiiero there are holidays (generally in Whit Week) or in the Kime ilistyict where they only obtain a good muster by atending for four days ai Easter whan no business trite is lost Thoaa attending at Easter get bad weather no pantice of Lie important duties attending camp i life which ie a great loss If the majority of these Loudon battalions attended at any other me they oould not gi half the mmuMre they do ie to 1 Aspstt-guor Lod'ge-lane Tb deaunbie Freehold liO UdS to Sold no ground rx2k Jniiliasa Park -fern: 1 ilCJSKIBBON-SXJiK Kt7 to be Vojd YeTmre'fra 1' 1 bold no ground rent pnee very low part erf porciiase mosihy ooakl remain on mortgage at 4 per AfiJPte to VT Dswkisop Pookaon gmd Co 6X GntAte-i -sQCSTY re two Flocks fast Houses bqisi Li pt of Bsssznant friaeboid uo XisiBaa 41 North Jate-street two Bousea cArfJLtV Kcrfeioout cost ierry freehold ao ebiel Tooniss 41 orth John-steget 1 Trat Money will bo Advanced cm good cLilUUV Fnreteold beoauty interest 3i per eeot annum wifi divided -Apply to Jons and Klsseite eharteared accountant 57 ise Jeia gaaiam Birkenhead park-fwu Freehold shops Duka-aU- gxoi rent £126 15- nice iBveifcncat -Apply Dodd Dodd toi ilding 00 WJutedkapeL Thtepfaane 7402 AETY -kUAh -To be Sold in this nautg neigliboaihood throe SHOPS lum a eomfsr) freeheid price moderate ample feme ter ccmpletioB or porfaen of par-base money can remain on mortgage at 4 per QBoA Address 197 Harcucy-offioe toMMAK'Dlii Block of Five SHOPS ehmWmaSt ikiiuigtoi3 freehoM: subject to chief rent £190 Hare bargain Jones Ite'-s 8 Lord-sir eei au hall-road far the Unexpired TEI1U fun to I932j to 1m-ittld Premise with WaAetoJure Offies Keeper's Hons Yard cuetomd most oouvearent for works gl total rent £40- -Box 31 PoatrrfBea LirarpooL GOODLSOlffiOAI) -A Corner be" "SoilFE this leading Uuiroughfan recta! £3210- freehold prrea moderate mortgage arranged if Ad-drea 196 Mcr ury-ofl5xi IUlPdosd Valuable Freehold PHIL best positron Promenate Kamsey 1034 iiomprising two shops fine billiard room here ting saloon four wUeys early one to taueyj ail doing good husiiiea Also eQiHJrteite Livnilmg House at rear Izumediste pm-tessiaa Purtamtare from Jus Lambert BeHont-tlla by Bridge I M- AN Sale COLLIERY in North of Ireland as a Going Cooeara Address 134 Mercary-offiwa a Close a in centre of city Block KKTY with Warehouse Far rail parti apply to Janet and Kisworth chartered accaanfeuife WhiteshafltL fTX) Maitt fee Seld to ctewe an aaocRnrt a giest bargain a Bloek of Fi fcHOPd Uust flawhmgk cluate a new main oo thoroughfare snrrjnded 1f hauaea aad certain to incareas in value daily Leehoid Address far price 195 Mawayto rrtO be Sold a newly -erected Six-stall SSSEM ia Gm ntbxru Apfrly 81 Edge-iaato WA Two exceUaot SUaPS Ho 4 and 0 IliK'h-stjreet wikh Dwelbag Houses attached ono vtth workshops at rear -For pne and further parti cubis apidy hy letter to Ik and Leach 81 Dale-street to be old or 'Set ITisNO INKER'S WORKSHOP fitted up with new pi esftoew fettes drills araifchy kc for Safe to be a a tew rent near? aie-str cet Aypiy to A Limited Oid Haymui ket LiverpouL T'IRK Detached Family Ri-U DENCK three ra IV tertmnmg wx bed rooms hatiuotoiu Ac stable cm-i7 garden fruit trew For further partteufers and new apply Dr 23 Mertoo-road Bootle KSfitAS Cheahire be Let or Soid old-ctabJiahed Grocery and Pnrrision BUSINESS Iwst pemtioa gaod fcsMise iuid fere garden Apply Kesrc aad Coventry ertate agenti Nfiiitoa Chiinre OFF Prince To Soid er Let as a pomg ooo-eern a large BDAKDLMU HOUSE wni1Aiiiu eight entertaraiag iooma 17 bedroim two bathrouats and all modern oonvcwiceoea For fort tier part rmriars apply to Waterbrmee Sons Co 3 Cook-str-wt RENTON Deteahed RESIlJENCE to best posiikm ecatainin good eutrance liall with lavatory off three arpe entertaining ruuns grouud-fLoor kitebcas with all modern sppomtmeats seven bedroora lone suitable for bfi-'-d nia) wporate btithrvxua and wc large garden: two-stall stable harness room aad coachhouse capital situekioa for a doctor luimediats possession Apply HuKhet Jcwes FT amdtoresgwttc tferbgnhead f)vl be Let or old DWElXlNG HOUSE 1 West-J Dir aster -i oe A Liscard suitable for medwal geuteman utaioiug three enter taiaing rooms oosnBfef room five ledreoana kitefenit and ail uioderu convervieuces on ground floor stable and eoachhonse rent Apply IT I'oobian and Co ehirttad awountagts 5 Cxik street X)' be Sold or Lc'Ca new BTTLDING rapabte of being used na warebmisa factory workshops or stoi situate near County-road Walton For particulars address 198 Martxrrv-ofikie 4V7AXT0N to 'Pmii and Kiectrie Car Vf Family BLOUSE: every txunvenierwse aice ueighbour-hyxxl early possession Address 126 Mercury-offiie So fee Storks f-u-toesRi A BSOltTTE BaisaiD lor BKilAD Flonr pi! (kjrifeeLonery Everton corner shop rent £lo elear kck-p Haynta snd 61 Lord-street rx centra! jo mediate bargain eoraer lf shop rent 4s clear tovfc-ip house near if re-tlttiivd 5s clear CaB on Haynes and Da 61 I re For FIXTURES and F-ttaag of Shop raptoir LxO gw-wing district aide rent £35 gls and chiira or other bnsmes Haynes 01 uord-at mo Splendidly htted-tsp SHOP with ciutol House to ieadok' thoruhlan north end rent £45 fixtures £50- Haynes aad Oo 01 TTAY aad Straw compact prermses steam JO bailer aad ail iwjoMiie ia rarae hands ten yew tosher bustoess c'aase Haynes and Uo 61 Loiisttwl FRIED FISH Ctoped Potato Ar mma th-L OvI rousntai ivn feral dumg about weekly gixd house Hiynes 61 Ld-steeefe -DRAPKitY Httberduobery aad Uiatoietoth-uis earner shop with good house maun tW ruughtora stock valuation Haynes 01 Lord-uee4 DIAfk AL fcid-ertatoaahvrt LXIA bay hviifey eenferai taKamcs £13 weekly rht £31 clear with hew Hnyue 61 Lonl-sUnet 1 ARK Opportunity For Sai- as a yotog ennoeni oldest itihii'hed WARD ROUE Jil'lNKSS in Lriwrpcvfi sain: i mi 5) yw Hayn and Co 61 Lord -street HAYNiSi 01 Load-Street ofin for Saie-bhop and Fitters gtauna Apurtmesi Hounn best pocirion near Hh -else gwesta uaar Exchange suit lady £100 RakePs Ledire-iaim with btotofloQ and house attached aad Fsneiea stock vahaatnon Confeotkoocry and Oitericg good posstren north esd Smset a Mnarals Tea adjacent tkastre well fitted CkaudjKiy Ab field yTwwvag loeafitv rent £56 haitokry mam t'jr-vugfiiawi LrtenbesJuLreir Glass and fSuua good opcaing chaadtery rtoct vrtw twa 'Joufoetiuaery aud IVa Rooms Ereraoat rant 8a £50-Generai Rorneij Evertou rent a td £45-Tobttoeo Fauciea ordufe Wnwwtrea refit £35 Pork and co*cked Meats Evertas £10 week low rest Fish aad Pottrtry Rock Ferry growing ucighboOTiwod Greungrocery best part Baotfe good-mass evteh trade £30 Grtreerv oed tbo4inighIae Rn tea he ad stock veasaur) main fcbofoughtore aouth end real Sweats Miaaraia Edgvhill rent 0d dear £25-LsmdTy good poaitiun Wat tIpo gwod house £25-Dicing Rooms and (tuoked Meats centra rent 1( clear Sweets iliBerais Waitofc rent lfs (-tear gtxd boose Wacdrehe central stock optional rent 8a clear £12 laundry Birkenhead central rent 1 is clear £g- AkKk and Gror-er To be Soid owing to death in the htauly STOCK Pony aud Van Haiid van and ali Utenatis Apply before 11 and after 5 P-to 110 Fail-uii-teott Livenitefi ALi-lt and Coulee tuner's Obestoxe side weekly Hue opportunity pree £200-13- Mncury-offlce DAiiiiAlN ight boots Addesa A To be Disposed of Herbal and Tobacco BUSINESS main owner reavtof town busy esou com ng on no reaanauOie off -i Ad dress 20(1 Mercary-afficWL i GAIN--An od-vtabtntoed Oil Chandlery and Kai'theawore ft IN Eftft capita1 rr qutred about Ri i ncowJa-g derate tock at valuation go opportunity for analgetic pk satisfactory raasons given ror 193 Wcdton-r-ad I itAi EPfMlL But ur's BUSINESS exoeliinit rtaud rtgu tor trad- -ui roiLud fixture 5 ui art are everything £130 bargain nuw toraxe Maaon 71 A4 i krt-1 sreet Mat-chert- 1AD and Flour BlJSiNKSft to be JVsposed of ii doing a good trade oust end of Liverpool-193 Maseury-ofltee BitEAD and Cociactton-n good Family BUftlNrort ror Disposal good corn ui grwroe nigh-houiu'od capital hHe -Address A 27 Ai error y-rfijm UftI2iKS ier ftae for i 6) to maihm-ry rnptete fite weekly axpatrenvie not macassary A 155 Mercury -office UT KK 'ft i SIN Bft tiKrougufftre Appi Evertoit CD BUHINE3A for Sale as Going Coooeni Address cheap good Saljafmry-road B' e4l fitbd-op Shtp also Htwsv main tharongh-lare Cliostore side owner refrrtpg -For further particulars apyy Lnrarfl-ruad Lt-a'd eHANDLKllY An fid-steblisteid S1 S' i4i8 eu centre of Liverpool to be Sold pries for goodwill firtareg aad stock £1 Stj Apply to Vv ISgnn ai Co ftucouatentw and ette are it 3 tejrtt-ttretd iHANDlFUY Lrraj and Ha-dwarp etwxl how no ease na We offer refused- 17i: Wa ton Breck-icaad ark Mare Weight and ftottfet also Goodwill: jinw Anpy 501 i'kiitnuh-road B'rkrtiiitoad between 6 ni pm UA KU) MS and Herb Beer HuAiaesH busy fenic ooBitag ficwir town ttouur and thop 0 6d ftiear big prehts Ah-u to attoud A i- dreiiX 0U Mtn nry -fx it Saw Jfc A gool write atab- Liabed ill TfciiNKSfj bo Let in the uoif i-on rhood of Kewwragtor with or without Address ifcfc Mcicary ofito litTHINESft to be Wold situated in suburbs -Address A 47 44eiiwuy utUvx CtoN TIONL hi rlNJhS to he Sold pood thorouhiarc pp Dih ''imtndo wu-rod CION r' flOh' hU Iff 7-lNKhft br bispuwa Ch-h re suit ut ria4i net fofcoor bond fed and husehottftrt on cirerod ti'i Aldrem 5- Mcristt-rr-edfiiv CION KK FI UN MIT fe be Disposed rf uiMsiy htted siK-p s'ood tho-rnughfare leaving UiiDOgh death: bar gate- Apply 14 GreaDbank-road Scilro- i'aik I J'I iiCftlS'ESft iresi rtwnd Knidaud poodwril Boiuioal reit owner going to the front ak'3 lei weeki gwKl hiring and Address 1 31 or cut -off- tvi iL finery itUINKSS main fhorowgL- fare aoatb end six year good ctmneition baraiaome sl ip leavtug Ittverpooi stock fixtures ewidvili £80 Address 53 Mres v-oftk-t iAlBH and fSttbtiit SHOP with mar bio slabs to be lhs-p ri of through deatt must be eohl Apply 33 Btesaington-road Aawki LJE Chapott ikiokwl Meat ft HUP good A greangsvicier teute ships butehei tup' main tfettfkfire 1( dear 70 ft'juort: birth YTtOB Disposal oU-etebiiabMl Chwsdiery aud Mar thru-JC ware BUY-TMEft? iplehd i thamu-ghter- by valuaLon fixtaires £20- res fal MUr oury-fiffi a AfSto-laM Fish aal Poult ftfBlP nitn afe 7 thy riwi good rfteaa lAr Apptj J3T7 B'-iouku ad Hikueul IAoft ftl by Prvt Treaty in eentml part of the city 1 ih GOODWILL bfe-cK in-Trade snd i'anants Fix uares aad lease ol very old-wrttojirahed Cuiiers oh up rth HalriiraMiQtf Esrateufficusat attached -For pwrttouteiw ijtoDiflfleoa Nurth and Ce BOlautoru 1 itorstrwt apply to Sib lttrarpQQt TtKHsI) FIAH ad Ciuyped Powt UUSlNE3fe be UietWttd Apply i33 Great HoBier-treet tviiUXT BtiSLNESiiS lor Sale three shop all In goiiw order uram tlioroughfaxa good aatt trade owner i a abroad rtf "street BUSIN KSS for flalc ettahlteked nine JL low nonae wiftu or without stock leading thoroat irfare Gr -Address 191 Mercary-oflfee ei7 of Edgehili Idverpool class turn-' rent £50: stock and fixtures at vawftlun Appiy Mr 1 jj1 Kyinnds aad Sua Uvarpool fAEVKttAL Hweta and Tacco BUSINESS- stoids oiid tix tores be hoki cheap ooa reason fc -Uug- iroixi hcrove rent 6a 61 south Ad dress 46 Merenrj ofKc-QfcNFIV tikngs 1 a iicap apply ss wiu genuine 1 "Jit 7 e-iear no ngente Ad- urt-r Mer ur Fish iVrit rrft and Poultry ft HOP for ftaio death tbr lattOH for rwdag- not naruis for 27 np ft'turt 2f)0 West Derby road Opfeoitatiiiy Esluhl isutfi 5 year 'to ire Troiidets and Uffiee Frtter and Cabin'd Manufaotiuns aa a going wmcera or other wi ae sto'iKlid stork ovum rtom rental A nnlr Ufcer 15 ftt VTn'nt-str'e GLCM'Ett still Provision -Two good ft tor Silsi iu rattuUte-turBir town Address 10 curvorfu- A fl liUKHSKRti BUrtlNESS for Saie and is rent 8- tafcrap £3 5 price £18 X5 Vftuxli a road HAI HHU hHftiSJt' fl to be Sold first-oiass trade raarao-tttfi tWtnu(s por Aadrcoa 164 Mnroaiy HEAD REPORT At the weekly meeting of the Liverpool Watch CosmaiUee held at the Municipal Buildings veefberday Mr Joseph Moult (chairman) presiding the following report on the Adel phi Hotel and the Waterloo Gap was presented by the Head Constable (Captain Nafct-Bowor) and adopted: Adelphi Motel Waterloo Cup Dinner The head constable begs to report to the Watch Committee as to the above about which there hae been eo much public oonaanent during the past week The committee are aware that complaint was made by a member at the meetings held on the 5th and I2th February of alleged improper conduct of the hotel (1) generally as shown by the recent fracas and (2) in permitting betting in coaneotioii with the Waterloo Cup and other matters The only action of the Watch Oomimteee to direct the a-tteartion txf the bead constable to the subject of the ooanplaint Upon this the head constable took what he thought the- fairest (as well as the usual) course by informing the licensee of the complaint made He threatened nothing and certainly never even buggestod interference with the procoedmgs in connection with die Waterloo Cup then pending The head constable understands that subsequently the licensee having obtained the opinion of the fcoheitor of the Midland Railway Company (the owners of the hotel upon the question laid it before the directors who authorised (or instructed) lum to stop the dinner unlose the Coorsing Club could tliut there should be no bethkig The licensee called upon the head 000-stable and informed him of his intention Jt wag agreed by both the head oonstabie and the licensee liiat the Coursing Club could not give such as was suggested and the head oon-stable adked tife licensee to oonsidor whether the leremptory stopping of the dinner (arranged for eo long ago and now immediately pending) was not an unnecessarily draetio oourae to adopt He also suggtod to the licensee that instead of adopting rthie course be should write letter to head constable stating that aHhough the proceedings had gone on for so many years be was perfectly willing to conform his actaon to any view the Watch Committee or the licensing bench might express Tine licensee eeesaad to think tbo Midland direotors bid settled the but the head oonstablo asked him to leave it open and iifonra him tor of bis decision He heard nothing more from the licensee who took the matter own bands and stopped the proceedings It be seen therefore that neither tbo Watch Committee nor tire bead constable prohibited any of the proceedings in oonneotioa with the Waterloo Cup lait that- tbo licensee anted entirely on his own The fracas referred to was that bet-wsen mombere of a theatrical party and meanbers of a roxnmng party the eummonses and issued being mutually withdrawn in open ourt when if was stafed trom the lienoh that he conduct of the hotel bad not been impugned LIVERPOOL AND DISTRICT POLICE COURTS MONDAY FEBRUARY 26 LIVERPOOL Before Mr Stewart Stipendiary Magistrate Soling a Bogus Diamond Ring Charles was charged with obtaining money by false pretences- Th evidence showed that in August last the prisoner met a yoang foreign sailor Park -lane named Heater and asked lum if he would buy some tobacco and he re plied that lie di i not want any He then asked the prosecutor if he would a drink and on going into a neighbouring public house the prisoner asked him if be would buy a diamond '-ing which he had found on board a ship on which he had been engaged representing that was of considerable value The prisoner gave him 15a for it but cn taking it to a pawn broker ho aiud it was a and worth about 2d onlv When arrested the prisoner aid guilty Iut the man who bought the ring should alfo be prosecuted for being such a Ijatey was sent to prison for three months with hard labour Thrifts from a Football Club Five Lads named John Lawrenson (13 years of age) Walter Lawrenson (12) George Agosti (12) John Agusti (11) and Richard Benyon (II) were brought up in custody on the charge of having broken into the pavilion of tire Liverpool Football Club Anfield on Sunday and stealing i herefrom trvvo footballs and two waostbelts The prisoners were observed by a coming fTom tlio pavilion in which a pane of glass was found to have been broken with the property in their possesson The whole of prisoners pleaded guilty and John Laarrenson who had previously been before the court was remanded to the workhouse others being bound over to be of good behaviour in the uture Owrrars of Watches VPaated James Btnly and RKthard Janes two young men wore with being in unlawful poRsossic of two silver watches and chains a silver matchbox aod a silver medal The prisoners were arrested by Detective Kell in a jeweller' a shop where they id taken the waLobes to be altered or leaned One of the watches was an English manufactured by Dent the number being 53GX6uMhe other a Samuels' hemg the number 442604 Ilje remanded the prisoners for a week iu ortler to give the police th(t opportunity xf enxiea wnvrmg to find the owners of the watches and ether property BOOTLE Mivwra (i Tkid jk! Glasgow Iiiftanitatry Property Prosocutions James Smith und others were summoned for a breach of the Public Health Act Mr Farmer (Town -dork) who prosecuted on behalf of the Corporation stated that Mr Smith was the col lector and agent for property which wits situated ou the north side of Miller's Bridge The complaint of the inspector was that there existed un the property a lare number of dufeoU wiUi regard to sanitary matters of so serious a nature (hat his (Mr instructions were to ask for an order to ciose a number of the tenements which formed the property referred to There wer three sets of tenements each tenement comprising as a mis four rooms and sometimes a fifth The middle block were houses comprising two rooms and they fronted Millers Bridge In other parts of the property there were cel 1m rs The prn uliar construction of the prperty had given the Corporation health officers an imroense amount trouble which had been oxiftenenood ever since the houses were built The number of itoirnw served upon the defen dan to with reference to sanriary defects had involved a large amount of work In several cases the tonanri were summoned in addition to rimih fr keeping their honeos in a filthy condition Inspector Daly then gave evidence as to the conditions of the bO houses against which summonses had boon issued T'ho bench made an order for the closing of ten houses that were considered unfit for habitation unril it was prvi i hat they were made fit to reside in In SJ cases an ortior was made for the abatement of nuifwiK'ee iuid in eleven oases iinee were inflated for the defendants neglecting to cleanse t-bcir hoMMfts A number of cases vrert with drawn HIKKEN HEAD Before Aldermen Getley and Bud Larrguege Irawrencj Hartley and Fdward Sui tn were charged with being drunk Tin leutih obsersed that the orst ofleoco committed by the prisoners was thai they had usod most disgusting language in the streets This offence must Moppsi aud furure delinquents vould be wwerely dealt with A fine of 5s and v-ts was imposed on Hanley Smith lxtng fined IDs arid msts VVALLASKY Before Messrs Joynson and Hitirf Stead neft a Fitiff Kamet Schofield was hanxi with having stolen a lady's goal rin It nid that the prisoner a window rhanr was ernpiovtHl tn Friday cleanim? windows at a house ui Buchanan road One was left open arul he put hi hand through into tio room takng tiie rinff was rreted by Detective A fine oi 10fl bd was imposed by the bench ST IWore 1 essrg HELENS GU vor Tyrer and vor Bumliwii Colliery Claim A case was down for hearing in which throe colliers named James Ileishy John Kisrp an Joseph Webb claimed £5 wafers allowed to be due from Ale-wr Bromilow Foster and Co owners Mr lidey who appeared fvr Hain ift- aked for an adjournment tmtil Friday Some interesting points 1h) said would be raised The inagifl-trstts agreed to tee adjournment Boot-Stealing Cat bonne of 8-lane Sutton was fined 10s and costs with the alternative of a week's for stcr-iing air of worth 3s 6d from the shop of Elizabeth Roylo Pecker's Itili-roarl The boots were taken last week and defendant had been in the shop twine during that tone and had pawrmd the boots she was charged with the theft She pleaded guilty Assault on a Little Girl John Hyland of 45 langtroe-atreet was sent to prison for six week bavin? boon found guilty of a common assault on little girl LUCKY WKDDrNG RINGS Guinea Gold Wedding Rings 60 per cent cheaper than elsewhere Half -dozen Ut electro-plated giveu to each 33 London -rd Auy other sum aL iropij tiouate rates Jso fetau? upon auiy ot (er ferias of repayment BilL iiu-rteuofefi Kiirthui piirtmuara ou applicatKHL or hitter Teephouc icd RICH ARD DAN kf Managor VVT A El to Borrow ui Kv rafeM-si vau Pereoa ample sefaritf AddieM A i (ftj and croru whom can I Borrow rai fluietly taut QntiHi i EriT-n iq an tateri stijg eucaiai isurt by VV h'iiBKR of 66 MKRIfiN HOAD BtnTLK IJVfcSl-1'uOL leant in town or etmvry who ere fionfet or tf 'decided Bfaraud not fail proeuie a copy which wfii be ioiwaified on leifejipt oi stamped afidrossrfi velnpe ree ot otierpe £500 DlN lo all cuii Inaiuvw ai own 33Lj se- ttfer tnlerort iow aud eaxy Miynacnts (ftfi in tlw iuuiuL tniasi tmxis stnetty pur it personally oi hy fetfe i VVftlauisanfi Bell At tuc' OIi rttraWratfw H'firit Mi-'C in Houses sfeife pai fee -Afiijr 150 reury iflieo -iYute hare till a fttnn to LEND or XGrt Jte ALirtoMr ot Kr -Jokl -nc Ijensefefifi HfteuatKrt dmtWsi a- ia fur threw he oi Sevan r-ars may wratnoHl umTot orureJ £4 teo 't iu no ui Appr Mi Un -V tJTIarc SuK-itoi 61 Lord street ftf investttiert nt ft pet trect tn iiac nt fet-J if insured Thotwa street Immc'iiateiy Matys Arviablr Vt lutrei M-1 I' IlillKS fri this "tit pore! h' use or piopcity i-reJcrifcA cpr ft- -are 1 1 ei-- 1 jfe CI705K)1 1- John St rit (VAA At from 31 fet fr to A dvr nr 1 c-w I)' MR'U mi or Deposit of Dss i'lOOi) suit Sorrower a 5 ffeok -street nv part ot the cxxuitry Tmephoi-e 51Rl vNr Sergeant 0 WVVattle worth (2nd VBXUj StatfSeri Sergeant Marsden (3rd VBKLRC Armourer Sergeant Keating 1st VB KLR) Colour Sergeant Coleman (4th VBKLK) 7i mix Her ran Goodear (2nd VBMR)Sergt A Pratt (2nd VBKLR) Sergeant Campion (1st VBCR) Stjrgeant liampsou (5tti VBKL R) Staff -Sergeant I Verso (1st VBKLR) Private Sprig (bt VBKLH) Private Sherriff (4tfl KLR1 auditors Colour Sergeant Mm-Bhull tfilh VBKLR) Sergeant VV Shejp herd (let VBCR) hon treasurer Staff -SP" grant Marr (1st VBOR) seoretary tuatfh termaster-Sergt VV Huston (4th VBKL R) 40 St Paul road Seacombe It was decided that the first meeting of the club should be htsid at A i tear on Saturday March 24 It was also to alter rule 2 with regard to the annual subscription which will henceforth be 16s for the -xfiinoa and 10s fur the half season These sums will include ail charges for marking 6TH VB THE KING'S (LIVERPOOL) Colonel Colonel Bad Walker Baittaliou Orders by Colonel A 1 Watt VJ) cxwmnajuh ur Liverpool 3bth Feo 1900 1 (Detail) Dettui lor the enauirtg Captain for tire week Captain Lkyd in waitaag Captain Otarita ffiihaltern for the week Lieutenant A Caseon in waiting lacutena nt ShiiW medioai officer fot the week Surgeon-Captain Ellw in waiting Surgeon-Oaptaiii VV iiarnes 2 (Drills) Urals for the oraac week at 8 pm (plain cloth es Treeday manual and bayonet extrrase Thursday company drill and extended order Friday muaketry instructions Saturday elites tiring 2 ptn (for recruits only) Monday 5th M-irch baft UtMou drill at 8 p3u dress drill order laml and buglers to i ttond officers to wear scarlet pe trols 3 (Special Parade) The battalion wiii parade for a march out ou Monday 12th March Dress drill order fall at 8 pm band and tunrierfl to attend officers ft waar scarlet psttrote -By Order ROE zmt and Adjutant bth VB The Liverpool) A FAU At the North Indon Police Court yesterday the Rev Thomas Bar tup Nichols clerk in boly orders who gave an address in Stamford-street Blackfriara Lmdon was charged with having been found drunk Islington (kmstable Fraser said that he found the prisoner incapable in the roadway and took him into custody Mr Ford-ham Have you anything to say The Defendant: I am a clergyman and unfortunately I took too much to Mr Ford ham I suppose as a clergyman you are a man of some education? Tlie Defendant am a MaettT of Arts at Cam bridge Mr lord bam Would you like to have a chat with Mr Holme the missionary who hae had very extensive experience The defendant who seemed strange in his manner said he should aad he was put back for Mr Holmes to see iiim CADBURY'S Cocoa is entirely free from all foreign sirfiBtances such as kola malt hope nor is alkali used to darken the colour (and so dweiv the eye) lh Andrew Wilson says: Cocoa is in itaolf a erfect food and rtmurea no addition of CADBl Ri is absolutely jeire and should be taken by old and voting at ail tiuto and io all seasons for beverage Insist Children it is an ideal beverage Insist on having CADBURY'S as other Cocoas are often substituted for ttie ake of extra profit Oiu only in Packets and Tina 5us ut WauW Mt oreudlriofl it' i red wrist bp -AfWrwui 42 MwlfillJ-tfilirt I NOT BF M1FLKD JfttmNITURE on SELL HATKVKK YOU MAY HA VK TO or wh? want of cash apply to VVURNR A iONH The OKI Dvwpool Firm ImsIow-- ftiT AXTKDTu rURCiHAflC FORCAhH FT ILYTTfl 8F I AAD ALL KIN lift OF GOOlft IN KITH Eli IAitCK SMALL 't' A VTTTTFft lumrediate tvoi: iurtaifi rash and rano ti fra whfeb no cJiaige is madi Hhraal aivrcks ob stnnffs at merely nominal i harg wfe vrpc ys tin rrt wish fe BEI NO TH OKlGfN Al FIRM who hara nwii iwl in the Mercury (feuiy wkhoot interminKm 'or nvr ymrs post a I tiarinp that porvou htve iieoii thotuianfis i houses of furniture (r huruirefin ot Um more than uti mher hrrns put togotuer aisnl proves thas vv 3s' to 30 fear com more 1 Haw any our and Reiters havo at the same tour tine afivant fco of dealing with the old rrltaifie firna wluoh other sfitf-rttwre morel ojy WIT HOD the largest buyers in the North of Knpfeud for tumt'-fifete reh kiuBfenmoms of Fmirittre Trade Stock ite invited for Ur Auction when 0f hthf- prir are reriiwfi ifii or rrtte tfe orgo Turner si Horn testaDiiffied 1810) 44 Cawruh-t urett Telnpfconr 18lL KN ITLitK tVuaiefi us- of jrKd Fntttture m- clufiim woo tjike piat houe- 'jassli I'u-hard I sd V-aae-fi (ft i JNO Wanted Ih'aner thwi' ard lfeater i and ror hall uat ue pnai eudtjru and sbtsip Ad i ss JC ft Meo-UTV-offlc1 A YUi A YTH I ft A IS if no apply writ'- or u-feifiioae (No AlJiut oewte to A RT LK fl ON DON OAI) I Wlio are prepared to Buy HOUKEFIOLP FURNITURK ftTOCKS-TN-TRADR CALRIACEft AND HORSES WORKS OF ART PICTURES JEWELLERY MAOHINFJ1Y MUHTOAL INHI'RUMJEirrS Or any otter class of ftioods Quantity and condition FREE VALUATIONS AND jSKHOVALB CASH ADVANCKD ON (ttDB PuB We are admitted to he the Tjwvrt and Bst Buyers in BtiglamL Aud reroecalir there is eft tietVwr than the beat AIJ TRANSACTION CONFIDENTIAL OMhY Lreai-reoi AruUKa: ON DON JgOAD 202 H' it tt ttrU 1-1 Iran SOlOS GOOIS 7HX2TSS CHBSS I5SATTGETS POOTEAI os att? apses nt jofisp-n HAiTOfi SCCXTTT GOSSIP ETTBAL HOTSS A WO UAH'S OUT LOOS ITAtTTICAL J0TTS1TGS PCPTOLAE BSOSTETTSa A 4 REE THE Lttsepool Mbbotot PIUCSOSI? PENNY.
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