Tallahassee Democrat from Tallahassee, Florida (2024)

12 Aug. 3, 1973 MlaimBtt Dfmorral 130 legol Notices 130 Legal Notices 130 legal Notices 130 legal Notices 155 Child Care Nurseries IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF 205 Apartments for Rent FRANKLIN WOODS APTS. and Magnolia Villa 1 and 2 beWoom furnished. 631 East Call St. Close to FSU and State Buildings.


PIERCE, whose address is un known, but whose last known address is Miami, Florida, as Trustees of REALTY COMPA NY, a dissolved Florida corpora tion, if alive, and if dead, their unknown grantors and successors in trust. NELL R. BRETT BANKS, Post Office Box 826, Olivehurst, Califor nia 95961. Any and all persons, firms, corporations, trustees, cestui que trust, beneficiaries and others claiming by, through or under each any or all of the above -named Defendants: All of the above named per' sons if alive, 'or if dead, their un known heirs, devisees, trustees. legatees, grantees, husbands, wives or other claimants; and Any and all persons having or claiming to have any right, title or interest or to the following described property, situated in Leon County, Florida All of Lots 21.

23 and 25 and that part of Lots 20, 22 and 24 of Block of CAPITAL CITY ESTATES as per plat thereof ELBERT L. LEWIS, et aL Defendants. NOTICE OF SUIT TO QUIET TITLE To the Defendants REALTY COMPANY, a dissolved Florida Corporation, whose address is unknown, but whose last known address is Miami, Florida. G.J. LAIDLE.

whose address is unknown but whose last known address is 162 West Flagler Street Miami, Florida; CHARLOTTE P. PIERCE, whose address is but whose last known ad- recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 23, of the public records of Leon County, Florida, and run thence North 149.70 feet to the North east corner of Lot 21 of said Block thence run East 50 feet; thence run South 199.70 feet; thence run West 274 feet: thence run North 50 feet: thence run East 224 feet to the Point of Beginning. LESS AND EXCEPT that part of the abandoned portions ot south street and Palm Avenue as shown on plat of Capital City Estates, Plat. No. 3 as in Plat Book 2, page 23 of the public records of Leon County, Florida; lying Northerly of and within 50 feet of the survey line of state Roads 261 and 263, Section 55650 from Station 1185 plus 00 to Station 1185 plus 36.60; Northerly of and within 50 teet oi said survey line at sta tion 1185 plus 36.60 variable to 7 feet Northerly at Station 1186 plus 00, Northerly of and within 7 feet of said survey line at Sta tion 1186 plus 00 variable to 0.00 feet at Station 1187 plus 86.87; said survey line being described and said Stations being located as follows: Begin on the West line ot section 24, Township South, Range 1 West at a Doint 0.82 feet North of the Southwest corner of said Section 24; thence South 89 degrees 55 minutes 30 seconds East 522.08 feet; thence South 23 degrees 31 minutes 10 seconds West 1.09 feet; thence South 89 degrees 54 minutes East 39.55 feet to Station 1185 plus 00; thence continue South 89 degrees 54 minutes East 36.60 feet to Station 1185 plus 36.60; thence continue South 89 degrees 54 minutes East 63.40 feet to Station 1186 plus 00, thence continue South 89 degrees 54 minutes East 186.87 feet to Station 1187 plus 86.87; thence continue South 89 degrees 54 minutes East 200 feet to the end of survey line herin described; said exception containing .0689 of an acre, more or less.

You, and each of vou. are noti fied that a- suit to quiet title to the above described property has been filed against you, and you are required to serve a copy of your answer to the Complaint to Quiet Title on the Plaintiffs' Attorneys COTTEN, SHIVERS, GWYNN DANIEL, Post Office Box 12, Tallahassee, Florida 32302, and file the original in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court on or before the 16th day of August, 1973; otherwise, the allegations of the Complaint will be taken as confessed. Dated this 10th day of July, 1973. (SEAL) Paul F. Hartsfield Clerk, Circuit Court Leon County, Florida By: Joy Gold Deputy Clerk -2- July 13; 20; 27; Aug.



MILLS MILLS and YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a mortgage on the following property in Leon County, Florida: 0.57 acre of land located in Government Lot No. 3 in Section 23, Township 1 North, Range 2 West, Leon County, Florida more particularly described as follows: Commence at the Northwest cor ner of Government Lot No. 5, in Section 23, Township 1 North, Range 2. West and run thence North 07 degrees 00 minutes West 456.56 feet, thence South 72 degrees 03 minutes West 96.52 feet to the Point of Beginning. From said Point of Beginning, continue thence South 72 degrees 03 minutes West 100.0 feet thence North 17 degrees 57 minutes West 250.0 feet, thence North 72 degrees 03 minutes East 100.0 feet, thence South 17 degrees 57 minutes East 250.0 feet to the Point of Beginning.

LESS AND EXCEPT the North 30.0 feet of the above described property reserved for Leon County, right of way. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on GENE D. BROWN. Plaintiffs attorney, whose address is Post Office Box 1833. Tallahassee.

Flor ida 32302. on or before August 29. 1973, and file the orginal with the clerk and this court either before service on Plaintiffs attorney or immediately thereafter: otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition. WITNESS mv hand and the seal of this Court on July II, 1973. Paul F.

Hartsfield. Clerk Circuit Court As Clerk of the Court By Janice B. Waters As Deputy Clerk July 13; 20: 27; Aug. 3.1973 Ad No. 2174574 Classified Ads Phone 877-4151 recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 23, of the public records of Leon County, Florida, which lies South and East of the Old Craw-fordville Road; ALSO: the abandoned portions of South Street and Palm Avenue as shown on plat of CAPITAL CITY ESTATES plat number 3, as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 23, of the public records of Leon County, Florida, lying South and.

East of the above described property described as follows: Begin at the Southeast corner of Block of CAPITAL CITY ESTATES, as per plat therof ADVISOR Spirtualistand Medium licensed by state and county Ptien (77-9313 Why be sad, downhearted or worried when MADAM FAY can advise you! All Readings Con-1 fidential. WEEKDAYS: 7 AM-8 PM HOURS: 5UNUAT: I rm-o rm I 31 13 Mahan Or. Jacksonville Hwki I MERIDIAN LITTLE SCHOOL Educational Pre-School Ages Year round all day care. 7: 30 am to 5: 30 pm. Warm home environment for learning and play.

Tailored for children of working parents. 1777 N. Meridian, 385-0069 CHILD ENRICHMENT CENTER, INC. Newest concept in Educational Preschool. Modern "open education" system.

Parent discussion groups with guest speakers and Adlerian study groups offered. Educational, developmental, individualized programs. Now accepting applications for late September opening. Ages 3 mos through 5 years. Full time and part time children accepted.

548 Bradford Rd. 385-7855 day or nignt. susan i-ioya. Director. Will take children in my home to babysit day and night.

Call 877-7808 anytime. Would like to keep 1 or 2 children in my home, tenceo yaro, soumsioe. Individual care. 878-1485. RENT RESIDENTIAL 201 Rooms for Rent Weekly or monthly, air conditioned, television.

Reasonable rates. Floridan Hotel. Private room between FSU and town, $20 week. Phone 878-2733 ROOM ONE BLOCK FROM FSU. $60 MO.

PHONE 878-2733 Air-S30; Air-TV-S36; per week. Bowman's, 1925 North Monroe. A business man, private parking, private entrance, air cond. linensno smokers. Phone 877-5948.

Furnished bedroom for gentleman with private oam a no entrance, nose in, hi E. Park, phone 222-521 Nice room for married couple. Share home with lady, a state retiree, if de sired. 222-434 Or 222-3MU. Dl atmosphere.

Short drive Malls FSU. Parking, utilities, air. 385-9840 Clean, convenient, turn, air, by week ($30 single) or month. 2702 W. Tennessee St.

Ph: 576-4564 One furnished room with kitchen privileges available September 1st. $50. Prefer graduate student or working person. Phone 877-8711. MR.

BUSINESSMAN: Nice quiet room in private home. Phone 222-2208 between 4 and 8. Room for rent, in private home, call after 6 877-2993. MOTEL ROOMS carpeted, air, TV, maid service. S25, up weekly.

Men preferred. 877-6551, 877-9996 Beautyrest beds; private tile bath, tv, air conditioned, carpeted. S21 weekly, one person. 877-2425. 205 Apartments for Rent TWO BEDROOM, 1 bath, unfurnished triplex, $115 per mo.

Call 576-0298 between 8:30 and 5:30 weekdays. Spacious 1 bedroom furnished apartments. Spanish motif, wall to wall carpeting, air conditioning, laundromat next door, use of pool, walking distance of FSU. 222-5228. If no answer, call 576-4438.

San Marco Apartments, 759 Basin St. May also be leased for commercial office space. VALLEY-HI 123 WHITE DRIVE All new 1 bedroom furnished adult complex. ALL ELECTRIC, FREE CABLEVISION, GARAGE PICKUP, POOL, $140. Mgr.

Ronnie Ricks, 575-1773. SMALL CABINS $16 per week and up 4037 Apalachee Parkway, 575-3519 Quiet, Modern, New and Large 2 Bedroom unfurn. apts. in washer-dryer connections, kitchen equipped. BUTLER VAUSE REALTORS, 222-2340, after hours 385-8007.

KING MANAGEMENT INC. Registered Real Estate Broker 385-9392 One bedroom furn. convenient to FSU and TCC. $120 per mo. summer rate.

Resident manager, 574-0441. One bedroom furnished apartment close to hospital in an almost new building. $145 per month including utilities. Call 222-4505. Furnished 1 bedroom luxury apt.

Excellent location on Meridian Rd. Laundry facilities, fully equipped kitchen. $145 per month. Spacious 2 bedroom 2 bath apt. located close to malls and schools.

Dressing room, washer and dryer hookups, fully equipped kitchen. $195 per month unfurnished. Available August 15th. i inENT5 st TOWNHOUSES at the EMBASSY! Spacious, 2 bedroom townhouses, all electric. Also, 1 bedroom apartments available.

Close to everything. Ph. 222-5935 for resident manager. Two bedroom apartment. Available immediately.

Call 222-0041. Unfurnished 3 bedroom, 2 bath, central heat and air, fully carpeted, spacious, close in, washer and dryer outlets, ample parking. $225 per month. 877-4220 ATTENTION LAW STUDENTS We are offering first month rent free for one-year lease. 2 and 3 bedroom apartments, furnished, luxury, new.

GRANADA APTS. Call Susan, 385-2191. Townhouse, unfurnished, 2 bedroom, l'j bath, central heat and air, fully carpeted, spacious, quiet, close in, washer outlet. Four unit apartment building. $185 month.

877-4220. COLLEGE CABANA APTS NOW LEASING FOR FALL QUARTER Large 1 bedroom apartments on city and campus bus route. Centra) heat and air conditioning, dishwashers, drapes, carpet, pool and laundry. Water, sewage, garbage and cablevision included. 9 mo.

and I year leases available for Sept. 1. For further information, call 576-4436 or come by office at 1517 Levy 8 to 6 weekdays. PARK PLACE APARTMENT 119 CADIZ ST 1 Bedroom furnished, $145.20. 2 Bedroom furnished.

$165.70. Clean and spacious. Central air, fully carpeted. water, sewerage and garbage included in rent. Small pets allowed.

Resident Mgr. Apt. 5. Phone 222-2099. One bedroom nicely furnished, air condi tioned, quiet wortn neighborhood.

$125 mo. Alan E. Hill Realty Brokers, 878-1600 Two Bedroom duplex unfurnished, kitch en rurnisned. siz5 mo. Located 1565 Blountstown St.

near Palmer-Harrell Buick Co. 574-3102 One bedroom, furnished, 457 White Drive. r-reoerick Arms Apartments. Call Resident Manager, 576-5925, REGENCY REALTY Realtors. Furnished 1 bedroom apartment, near town and FSU.

Central heat and air. $30 weekly. Phone 878-2733. Newly remodeled 1 bedroom furn. apts.

un street parking, central air, shag carpet, color TV. Near FSU. Rentals begin at $135 per mo. 733 California Apt. F.

222-3155 or 385-9928. NOW LEASING Furnished 1 and 2 bed room apartments, beginning Fall Quarter. 878-2733. Unfurn. townhouse 2-Bedrooms, l'i- Baths, icemaker, dishwasher, central air.

$185. 386-1418 from 4-4. STONEGATE 217 White Drive One bedroom, furnished, central heat and air, tuny equipped kitchen. 574-8914. EVERHART The Apartment People FEATURING THE GREENBRIER Washer-Dryer Connections 574-5421 THE LANDMARK Outside Storage Space 576-5421 WOODCREST On John Knox Road 385-8080 CENTERVILLE TOWNHOUSES Northside near Tallahassee Memorial 385-9906 Furnished or unfurnished.

Phone us. 385- 1 1 16 or one ot resident managers. Lee A. Everhart Inc. Registered Real Estate Broker BEAUTIFUL new furnished one bedroom apartments.

Located right across from Florida High and within walking distance to FSU. For information call 224- Furnished upstairs 2 bedroom, air water and cable. No children or pets. $150 month. Ph.


Announce A Change In The Name of Their PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION to DOZIER, BRYANT JUDELLE, M.DS, PA 1330Miccosukee Rd. Tallahassee, Florida 32303 877-8136 BOAT SERVICES BUDDY'S MARINE Willard Hanco*ck, Owner Authorized EVINRUDE Dealer Repairs, Sales and Service, Boats, Motors, Gator Trailers and Marine Supplies. Easy Terms. 1215 S. Monroe St.

Ph. 222-0529. LAWN SERVICE Complete LAWN MAINTENANCE Mowing, edging, trimming. 1033 Idlewlld Dr. Call 877-9824 between 8 a.m.

and p.m. YEAR ROUND. Pichard's Lawn Service PALMER LAWN SERVICE Professional lawn care. Charles Palmer 877-3080 Year round. Swisher Sons' Lawn Care.

Year-round lawn service, land clearing. Licensed, insured. Free Estimates. i. 385 J-8S49 Capital City Lawn Service We offer complete year round lawn service.

Free estimates, no job too large or small. Between 8 and weekdays. Call 877-0448. Weekends, Call 386-1979. FLOOR CLEANING STEAM CLEAN your own carpet with our easy to use machine.

TAL-lahassee RUG AND TILE. No. Monroe Street. 224-5490. HEAVY DUTY MOWING BUSH HOG AND HARROW Year 'Round Care.

877-4332 after 5. CARPET CLEANING Carpets cleaned, repaired and Installed by John P. Folsom. Call 576-3204 after 6. Free estimates.

Rugs-Carpets steam cleaned. Reasonable prices. Free estimates. TIMELY CLEANERS, 224-8000, 576-2348 after 6. EXCAVATING CRAWLER FOR RENT with operator.

New 450 John Deere. Contact Walter Vldak, Pascua Florida Corp. Day 385-5102, night 222-7940. PAINTING PAINTING AND REPAIRS HOUSEWASHING DON GREEN 877-7538 ALDUPREY Painting Repairs Acoustical i exrure apraying Roof Repair 385-7089 WILLIAMS PAINTING CONTRACTOR For All Your Painting Needs" 222-1266 DAY-NIGHT PAINT AND REPAIR WORK 224-5720 after 4, anytime weekends. INTERIOR-EXTERIOR PAINTING FREE ESTIMATES 877-1792 ANYTIME EXPERT PAINTING Call 877-7428 WELL DRILLING HENRY'S WELL SERVICE FHA TESTED APPROVED 627-2339 QUINCY Classified Ads Phone 877-4151 ENCLOSED AS ONE LINE fallahassee democrat 'Your Good Neighbor In The Big Bend" SEWING UPHOLSTERY OF ALL KINDS Seat covers and repairs.

20 year's experi-ence. Call Nick, 877-1184. PLUMBING POOR MAN'S PLUMBER Repairs and sewer installation. 877-6686, BENNETT AND SONS PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL SERVICE ELECTRIC WIRING -REPAIRS Any type fast reasonable 576-3231 222-6210 small ob or entire house CLEANING MAINTENANCE MILDEW? Rent pressure washers, for housecleaning cleans all.

Seminole Paint Decor 222-2388 MAID SERVICES Take the worry out of your weekly nousecleamng. Let CLEAN-SWEEP MAID SERVICE help you. 222-8962. MAI D-l N-TA LAH ASSE Maid service. Homes and apartments.

Low weekly rates. Windows washed. 385-5635 or 224-5927. AIR CONDITIONING Superior Service by Warren David Air Conditioners Refrigeration Cleaned Serviced Rebuilt. All makes.

Phone 576-5288 Day Nite BUILDING AND REPAIRS Roofing and Guttering Ph: Sears Roebuck and Co. 877-2131 for free estimate ADDITIONS ROOFING PAINTING Remodeling -Seamless Floors 224-7103 or 877-7571. J.C. Bush HOME REPAIRS Remodeling Additions Interior Exterior NELSON BUILDERS, INC. 224-3127 BOYETTE'S HOME IMPROVEMENTS REMODELING, ROOFING, REPAIRS PH.

386-1727 ANYTIME Need 1-3 Yards of Cement? WE WILL DELIVER EVENINGS AND Call 878-2521 HOMEOWNERS SPECIALTY COMPANY CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION: slabs, patios, driveways. foundations, layout. Phone 384-1307 877-8264 Quincy, nights-weekends 427-255) BRICK AND BLOCK WORK DOUG RAMSEUR CALL AFTER 6 pm. 576-3875 BRADLEY CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION siaos, Patios, Driveways. Free Estimating.

224-3419 day or night. CONTRACTORS ALUMINUM CONTRACTING DONRO INDUSTRIES Patios, carports, screen enclosures. Days 222-4540 Nights 222-3329 General Home Improvements Carports, brick mason, license. 574-8245. 130 legal Notices LEGAL NOTICE We hearby give notice to register in compliance with Section 865.09 Florida Statute.

Name of Business: Circle 3 Industries Address: Rt. 4. Box 527-D, Tallahassee. Fla. Owner: Philip A.

Walz. Jr. and Terry S. Hahn July 13; 20: 27. Aug.

3. Ad No. 2274569 1973 140 Special Notices MARY KAY COSMETICS Call 877-5418. LAMP REPAIR Repair Rewire Rebuild Refinish Call 222-8517 Complimentary Facial MARY KAY COSMETICS Phone 385-4837 FOUND A solution for your drinking problems. Alcoholics Anonymous P.O.

Box 1005. Ph. 224-4034 FEEL LONELY? DEPRESSED? AIMLESS? GUILTY? Call Suicide Help. 877-7777 taped message. 24 hours.

145 Lost Found LOST YOUR PET? Call or visit Tallahassee Leon Animal Shelter. 4300 S. W. Capitol Circle. 877-7210.

LOST part Spaniel Golden Retriever. Answers to Manfred. Medium size male. Vicinity Lake Bradford overpass. Call 575-7863 or 385-1111.

LOST: Yellow Labrador, female, 9 in vicinity of College and Boulevard. Dog needs medication. Child's pet. Reward offered. No collar.

222-5155 or 385-0956. socket watch, (gold) Call 488-122-3944 night, Reward. 4iuo aay. Lost, two Black-tan-white Beagles, near 1612 Ma bry answering to Barnaby and Buffy. If found please call 576-1442.

Lost: 4 month old, male, Labrador, puppy, 222-5983. Reward. LOST: Miniature Collie in vicinity of FSU Trailer park. Bandaged right foreleg, tag and collar. Color sable and white.

Phone 224-5903 or 576-8709. REWARD. LOST: Solid white female dog, medium size, has cut on right side of neck, is wearing flea collar. Call 224-9544 after 5. REWARD.

German Shepherd male found 10 miles out east 90 approximately 1 yr. old. Call 877-5054. LOST: Boxer Bull dog, fawn color Vicinity 1408 Daniels St. Answers to "Rusty." $100 reward.

Lost: female reddish gold Pekingese. Black face. Answers to Meechi. Betton Hills area.222-4464, 574-3549 LOST: Puppy, male, black. In vicinity of High and Hartsfield Rds.

Lost Wed. am. Phone 385-4904. german Shepherd, 8 weeks old, lost in vicinity of Myers Park on South Meridian. Black with silver markings.

Answers to name 222-7445. REWARD. Reward: Siamese declawed neutered' male. Answers to Chris. Clear flea collar.

Belongs to child iust out of-hospital. 3854482 155 Child Core -Nurseries After school child care. Killearn area. Beginning Sept. 4th.

Will pick up at Timberlane and provide snack. S2 per day. 385-0549 0 0 00 SPECIFICATIONS: 1. Minimum Size Ad is Three Lines Of Copy. 2.

After an ad is ordered, it cannot be cancelled or changed be the initial publication. Classified Display Rates Available Upon Request. 4. The publisher reserves the right to refuse any ad, for any reason, and may revise or reject ads deemed objectionable and may change classifications to conform with newspaper policy. PUfifin, Jo FumuUo For Pall Quarter 1.

The Edgewood Apts. 630 W. Virginia St. One bedroom furnished. One block from FSU.

Pool, Sauna, recreation room, laundry. 2. Hole Wiamea 2030 Belle Vue Way. One and two bedrooms fur nished. Handball courts, pool, etc.

3. Casa Del Goto 253 Hoyden Road. One bedroom funished. Walk to FSU. Pool and extra nice.

4. Del Rio Terrace 517 Yeager Street. Walk to FAMU. One bedroom furnished. COMMONWEALTH CAPITAL CORPORATION Reg.

Real Estate Broker 9 836 E. Lafayette St. 'Ul 71 DEADLINES WEEKDAYS 3 PM Day Before Publication. SUNDAY PM Friday MONDAY 12 Noon Saturday Display Deadline, 2 days prior to publication. CLASSIFIED Ad-O-GRAM Print each letter in your od in the boxes below.

Please count oil periods, commas, etc. as one space. Be sure to fill out all the information to assure prompt service. CLASSIFICATION: PLEASE PRINT CORRECTION OF ERRORS CANCELLATIONS We request that advertisers check their ad copy on the tirst day of publication and phone in any necessary corrections as soon as possible after the first appearance. CORRECTIONS DAILY: Corrections received prior to 3 p.m.

Monday through Friday will be made in thffollow-ing day's edition. CORRECTIONS SUNDAY: Corrections received before 12 noon Saturday will be made in Sunday's edition. CANCELLATIONS: Cancellations may be made on the following schedule: Monday through Friday Call before 3 p.m. Saturday Call before noon. Your ad will be cancelled for the following day's edition.

Call Monday morning between a.m. for Monday's edition only. 8:30 till 5:00 PM Daily 8 AM till Noon Saturday START DATE: HOW MANY TIMES: STATE YOUR AD HERE: COUNT 34 REMITTANCE LETTERS AND SPACES Air conditioning, snag carpeting, dishwasher and disposal in every unit PLUS Swimming pool, Sauna Clubhouse and large sundeck. 1 and 2 bedroom furnished and unfurnished available. CALL CAROL West Call at Conradi 224-7319 NAME CITY I PHONE NO I PRINT USE THIS NO DEADLINE: Sid tK TENNESSEE ST.

--g GbUB jflK- ABBREVIATIONS PUNCTUATIONS COUNT ONE SPACE 3 LINE MINIMUM PLEASE ONE FULL DAY BEFORE PUBLICATION DATE. COMPUTE COST OF YOUR AD HANDY FORM TO LINE AGim(enffii 2 2 NUMBER OF DAYS NUMBER OF TOTAL AMOUNT DUE We Will Not Be Responsible for More Than Two Incorrect Insertions BOX CHARGES REPLIES PICKED UP OR REGULAR MAIL REPLIES AIR MAIL OR SPECIAL DELIVERY To Place Cancel or Correct Your Ad PHONE US AT: B77-4I5I 8:30 till 5:00 PM Doily 8 AM til Noon Saturday $2 Luxury apartments far rent. Excellent location. Near two major shopping malls, five theaters, many restaurants, churches and schools. Easy access to the universities and downtown Tallahassee.

targe pool. Complete laundry facilities. Splendid Spanish style. Sumptuous decor. Carpeting in an extensive choice of colors.

Kitchen equipped with all the modern electrical conveniences. Central air and heat. Two bedrooms, 1 bath; two bedrooms, 2 baths; three bedrooms, 2 baths. 1 or 2 DAYS I 45 I 3 to 6 DAYS 37c I I 7 to 9 DAYS 3Jj I 10 to 29 DAYS 29' 30 DAYS 27' I EXAMPLE 3 37 3 $333 'jiimiunTt. 3 I tkjnjji U-5 2131 N.

APARTMENTS Meridian Road 385-2191 I I I I I I I I J. Please Make Checks Payable To The Tallahassee Democrat And Mail fo: cashier TALLAHASSEE DEMOCRAT CLASSIFIED P.O. BOX 990 TALLAHASSEE, FLA. 32302 Professionally managed by THE MERIDIAN MANAGEMENT COMPANY.

Tallahassee Democrat from Tallahassee, Florida (2024)


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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.